Home Urban Food Resilience Soil quality workshop for local backyard gardeners

Soil quality workshop for local backyard gardeners

Free to attend | Register by phone/text or email | Event date Sat April 6, 2024

soil quality, april 6, event

Saturday December 30, 2023 | LANGFORD, BC [Updated March 20, 2024]

Posted by Island Social Trends

If you like growing vegetables and fruits in your own backyard — or would like to start learning about that — this free workshop might be informative for you!

The short 2-hour workshop with guest speakers will explore some tips about soil quality as a key component for success with your home garden. Take home a small soil sample and some great ideas for the 2024 gardening season!

growing food, back yard, child
Growing food in your own back yard can contribute to budget resilience and better health.

Everyone welcome:

Your garden can be in-ground or in pots on patios and balconies. Everyone welcome!

Mark your calendar:

The workshop will be held on Saturday April 6, 2024 (rescheduled from April 13).

  • LOCATION: PEXSISEN Elementary School, 3100 Constellation Ave, Langford (outdoors, on the patio sidewalk area to the right of the front of the school).
  • TIME: 12 noon to 2 pm.
  • WEATHER: Outdoors – dress for the weather.
  • PARKING: School parking lot, and nearby streets.

Register by email or text:

The workshop is free, but registration is required so that adequate space and workshop materials can be arranged.

soil quality, april 6, event

To register just email a quick RSVP by email or phone/text to 250-588-7091. This will help us plan the venue size requirements.

Guest speakers:

The guest speakers will be Kane Chandler-Symons of The Soil Guy and soil specialist Michaila Frawley from Sooke Soil.


This workshop is being organized by urban food consultant Mary P Brooke as coordinator for the speakers and the event.

The event is presented with the support of an individual neighbourhood small project grant from The Victoria Foundation.

the victoria foundation
mary p brooke, headshot, july 2023
Mary P Brooke, B.Sc. is organizing the March 2024 Soil Quality Workshop.

Mary P Brooke has a B.Sc. in Foods and Nutrition with an interest in household and community support when it comes to achieving a healthy lifestyle through nutrition and natural food. Locally grown food in your own yard reduces the transportation carbon footprint to zero and saves on your grocery shopping bill.

Mary Brooke made presentations to City of Langford committees in summer 2023 about how municipalities can gain strides with supporting food resilience through strategic urban development and leadership in local neighbourhoods.

New group in the works:

Mary Brooke and is also now organizing a non-profit society called the Urban Food Resilience Initiatives Society (UFRIS). Watch for other food-growing initiatives and activities in the west shore and Greater Victoria in the year ahead.

food security news, ist

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