Home Election Tracker BC NDP BC NDP seeks ‘top issue’ input for 2024

BC NDP seeks ‘top issue’ input for 2024

*Not* listed as suggestions: Economy | Cost of Living | Affordability

bc legislature, parliament buildings, 2023
BC Legislative Buildings in Victoria, BC / Nov 2023. [Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]

Saturday December 30, 2023 | VICTORIA, BC

by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends

The next provincial election will be held in 2024. Currently the election date is scheduled for October 19, 2024.

As that phase of the political cycle approaches, the BC NDP is asking people to indicate their own top concern that Premier David Eby and the government should work on in 2024 as part of planning their priorities for the year ahead.

bc legislature, building, victoria
BC Legislature building Nov 1, 2023. [Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]

Budget 2024 will be released on February 22 during the winter session of the BC Legislative assembly. The Finance Minister is Katrine Conroy.

Survey online:

“Our BC NDP government is focused on taking action for British Columbians like you on issues that make your life better,” is stated in the survey intro. “Let Premier David Eby and his team hear what’s most important to you.”

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BC NDP survey question at 2023 year-end.

Suggested comments:

In the BC NDP survey about this online the top suggestions are: Housing | Healthcare | Education | Environment | Transportation | Social Justice.

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Given that the cost of living is likely everyone’s top concern, it’s interesting that Economy or Cost of Living or Affordability are not listed as suggestions; perhaps the government feels that already have those concerns taken care of.

The survey intro says “it’s crucial we hear directly from you on what you’d like us to work on next year”.


The BC NDP online survey is set up to submit one comment, followed by a request for the person’s name and contact information, and a pitch for a financial donation (with handy pop-ups indicating how much of a tax deduction might be received for given donation amounts).

party contributions, Q3, 2023, elections bc
Political party financial contributions in Q3 of 2023. [Elections BC]

The BC NDP had achieved a fundraising total of $868,141.92 by September 30, 2023, followed by the BC United at $399,209.71, the BC Greens at $161,711.48, and the Conservative Party of BC at $52,562.19.

===== RELATED:

Housing | Health | Education | Environment | Transportation | Politics | Food Security

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