Home Traffic Colwood Traffic: Latoria Blvd Oct 26

Colwood Traffic: Latoria Blvd Oct 26

Underground ducting for crosswalk flashers

latoria, crosswalk, underground
Single lane traffic on Latoria Avenue on October 26, 2023 during Underground ducting for crosswalk flashers. [City of Colwood]

Wednesday October 25, 2023 | COLWOOD, BC

by Mary P Brooke, Editor | Island Social Trends

On Thursday October 26 in the Latoria area of Colwood, drivers should anticipate delays when traveling along Latoria Boulevard, Sparrowhawk Avenue and the surrounding Royal Bay neighbourhood.

Consider an alternate route to avoid delays, says the City of Colwood.

Underground work:

Underground construction will take place across Latoria Boulevard in preparation for the installation of crosswalk flashers to enhance the safety of a pedestrian crossing. Contractor for the work is Northridge Excavating Ltd.

latoria, colwood, traffic
Single lane traffic on Latoria Avenue on October 26, 2023 during Underground ducting for crosswalk flashers. [City of Colwood]

Single-lane traffic:

Lane closures in both directions are anticipated. Single-lane alternating traffic will be in effect. Delays are expected. Use of an alternate route is recommended.

Traffic control personnel will be onsite to direct traffic. Drivers, cyclists and pedestrians are asked to follow their directions, obey traffic signs, reduce speed, and use caution.

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Growing area:

That section of Latoria is in a growing residential area of Colwood, adjacent to the Happy Valley area of Langford and near to Metchosin.

A new south Langford elementary school is being constructed in that area of Latoria.

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===== LINKS:

DriveBC.ca | @DriveBC on Twitter | Island Social Trends Local Scheduled Traffic Interruptions


Drive BC – webcams | Island Social Trends – scheduled traffic updates

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Mary Brooke, editor, West Shore Voice News
Mary P Brooke, Editor and Publisher, Island Social Trends.

Based in the west shore area of south Vancouver Island, Island Social Trends launched mid-2020 fully online at IslandSocialTrends.ca. A print edition will launch in January 2024.

Editor Mary P Brooke has been doing journalism about socioeconomic community growth trends in the Sooke and west shore areas since 2011 (previously publishing as Sooke Voice News 2011-2013 ad West Shore Voice News, 2014-2020).

Ms Brooke was nominated in 2023 for a Jack Webster Foundation award for a woman journalist who contributes to her community through journalism.