Online Posting Date: Sunday January 26, 2020 ~ WEST SHORE
West Shore Voice News January 24 to 25, 2020 WEEKEND DIGEST Print-PDF Issue
WSV ISSN | 2368-9374 | Vol.5 No.11
SVN ISSN | 1925-2722 | Vol.9 No.52
Week #470
How to Subscribe: Premium & Link
The news this week in the Print-PDF edition:
- Headlines – page 1: Wuhan Coronavirus kills 56 so far, spreading globally, one case in Canada so far | Ride-hailing approved for Vancouver area & Whistler | Bank of Canada holds interest rate steady | BC Lottery Corporation taking bets on where Harry & Meghan will live
- Headlines – page 2 & 3: Time capsule in Langford highlights education within city growth | Mini cabinet revisions this week squash talk of any early BC provincial election | Danbrook One update: statements from BC Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing & EGBC | Colwood short-listed for Small Business BC award
- Editorials: The high stakes global politics of public health | Conservative coronation lining up
- Back page: Nature K and French Immersion K see overflow registration | BC Agriculture: bees and berries | Go easy on Ocean Boulevard, awaiting hot asphalt | Lots of rain in January | Public input opportunities: 1) Emergency Program Act Modernization 2) Future of Housing Supply & Affordability | WAVES Pet Hospital open 24/7 starting February 1 | Teen drop-in at Sooke Library on Wednesdays
EVENTS are listed on page 4 this week in the print/PDF edition. | Also visit the online Events page of this website for updates.
COURTESY EDITION of the January 24, 2020 WEEKEND EDITION Web Courtesy watermarked edition of West Shore Voice News.

PAGE 1 ADVERTISER THIS WEEK: SD62 Kindergarten Registration
- Premium Subscribers get assured delivery of the early edition by direct email with headline summary and additional breaking news; no watermarks; direct access to PDF archives. [$29.95+GST for 18 weeks]
- Link Subscribers: get assured delivery; watermarks; before the social media version is posted online. [$28.95+GST for 1 year]
Become a subscriber to make sure you receive the direct link in your email InBox each weekend. Subscribers also receive additional articles and editorials by email, as the news cycle warrants.