Online Posting Date: Monday January 13, 2020 ~ WEST SHORE
West Shore Voice News January 10 to 12, 2020 WEEKEND DIGEST Print-PDF Issue
WSV ISSN | 2368-9374 | Vol.5 No.9
SVN ISSN | 1925-2722 | Vol.9 No.50
Week #468
How to Subscribe: Premium & Link
The news this week:
- Headlines: Eco Academy in the works for Sept 2020: Semester-long program at EMCS | Taking the bus: 2020 | CRD’s Housing First Program needs $30 million boost | Rotary of West Shore raised $263,493.77 for Sarah Beckett Memorial Playground | Kenney rebukes Flight 752 disaster as an “epic demonstration of human folly” | SD62’s schools in West Langford to be named soon | Driver under influence of narcotics causes crash, injures cyclist | Power outage in Westhills on Sunday night | Langford council January 6: notes | Municipal office facelift
- Editorials: Playing footsies with war [Editorial] | Vancouver Island in spotlight with Duke & Duchess of Sussex relocating here [Editorial]
- Back page: Upcoming workweek: unseasonably cold and daily snow: January 12 to 17 | Pay attention at crosswalks | Public input opportunities January 2020: CRD & City of Colwood | High tide in Sooke | Pacific FC Season 2 | McKenzie Interchange Update: Galloping Goose detour Jan 13 to 31 | Roof at Colwood Corners brought down by rain
EVENTS are listed on page 4 this week in the print/PDF edition. | Also visit the online Events page of this website for updates.
COURTESY EDITION of the January 10, 2020 WEEKEND EDITION Web Courtesy watermarked edition of West Shore Voice News.

- Premium Subscribers get the early edition by direct email with headline summary; no watermarks; direct access to PDF archives. [$29.95+GST for 18 weeks]
- Link Subscribers: get assured delivery; watermarks; before the social media version is posted online. [$28.95+GST for 1 year]
Become a subscriber to make sure you receive the direct link in your email InBox each weekend. Subscribers also receive additional articles and editorials by email, as the news cycle warrants.