Home Print-PDF Archive WSV – Pro-Rep Ballot Edition – November 2, 2018

WSV – Pro-Rep Ballot Edition – November 2, 2018

november 2, west shore voice news
November 2, 2018 print-PDF issue of West Shore Voice News

Friday, November 2 ~ LANGFORD.

West Shore Voice News November 2, 2018 Print-PDF Issue

WSV ISSN | 2368-9374 | Vol.4 No.1

SVN ISSN | 1925-2722 | Vol.8 No.42

Week #406

This Pro-Rep ‘Ballot & Debate’ edition of West Shore Voice News explores the functionality of the Proportional Representation Referendum mail-in ballot package both in terms of completing and submitting the ballots as well as gaining some insights into the different pro-rep options.  That’s on page 1.


  • Editorials this week include a look at ageism, and also the value of public debate on things we may not want to think about.
  • BC will *not* be cancelling Daylight Savings Time. Despite a lot of public input, there’s just no appetite for it in the broader business community, says Premier John Horgan.
november 2, west shore voice news
November 2, 2018 print-PDF issue of West Shore Voice News

Some of the dates and need-to-know stuff about sending in your ballot about Proportional Representation.

And Events on the back page: Remembrance Day events, flu shot locations, and more.

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