Home News by Region Juan de Fuca Emergency shelter opens in Otter Point for homeless in Sooke area

Emergency shelter opens in Otter Point for homeless in Sooke area

Up to 12 Sooke-region homeless people can utilize the shelter

CRD, Juan de Fuca Services Building, Otter Point
Juan de Fuca Services Building on Butler Road in the Sooke Business Park off of Otter Point Road.

Sunday, February 10, 2019 ~ OTTER POINT

~ by West Shore Voice News

The Capital Regional District (CRD) has opened a shelter for anyone who is homeless in the Sooke area.  In this inclement weather — with heavy snowfall and temperatures at night below zero for several nights — the need was pressing.

The meeting room at the Juan de Fuca Services Building on Butler Road in Otter Point (west of Sooke) was opened for that purpose on Friday, February 8. As of Sunday February 10 it continues to remain available.

Juan de Fuca Director Mike Hicks got the ball rolling last Monday February 4 for the the extreme weather homeless shelter to be opened.

The room is available for up to 12 people. So far it has reportedly been used, but has not been full.

Homeless people carry with them all their belongings. Some do not wish to come indoors.

The availability of extreme weather homeless shelters is provided through a contract between Our Place Society which serves the needs of the homeless, and CRD.

In the Sooke area in previous year, a homeless shelter would be opened in sub-zero weather at the Sooke Baptist Church on West Coast Road.

Apparently, homeless people know to come to the Sooke Crisis Centre where a van is made available to drive them to whatever is the current homeless shelter location in bad weather. Usually they go to the crisis centre in Sooke town center to get warm, and there will find out about the overnight shelter.