Online Posting Date: Monday November 25, 2019 ~ WEST SHORE
West Shore Voice News November 22, 2019 WEEKEND DIGEST Print-PDF Issue
WSV ISSN | 2368-9374 | Vol.5 No.2
SVN ISSN | 1925-2722 | Vol.9 No.43
Week #461
How to Subscribe: Premium & Link
The news this week:
- Headlines: New Liberal Cabinet without Alberta or Saskatchewan MPs: more ministers, diverse range of portfolios | Exciting times for the NDP and those who cast an orange vote | BC Liberals fundraising | WestShore Chamber of Commerce in the black | In BC Schools: Safety overrides right to privacy within education/public safety/police collaboration | Jagmeet Singh: lauds BC example for ‘people first’; sticks with experienced MPs at House helm | Sooke residents encouraged to sign up for local public alerts | Pause in the action for new Sooke medical office: Forbes re-routing into Langford | Order of BC: nominations open for 2020
- Editorials: The nasty jinxing of minority government lore [Editorial] | Bye bye Andrew, for now [Editorial]
- Back page: Craft fair season: gifts and fundraising | ‘Art & Word: Volume 2’ looks to continued arts-promotion & fundraising success in 2020 | Natural approaches to dealing with arthritis | Sooke community events in the holiday season
EVENTS are listed on page 4 this week in the print/PDF edition. | Also visit the online Events page of this website for updates.
COURTESY EDITION of the November 22, 2019 WEEKEND EDITION Web Courtesy watermarked edition of West Shore Voice News.

PAGE 1 ADVERTISERS THIS WEEK: Sooke Community Choir | Pilgrim Coffee House
- Premium Subscribers get the early edition by direct email with headline summary; no watermarks; direct access to PDF archives. [$29.95+GST for 18 weeks]
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