Online posting date: Sunday, May 5, 2019 ~ LANGFORD.
West Shore Voice News April 26 & May 3, 2019 COMBO Print-PDF Issue
WSV ISSN | 2368-9374 | Vol.4 No.25
SVN ISSN | 1925-2722 | Vol.9 No.14
Weeks #431 & #432
‘Horgan Delivers for Sooke’ & ‘Pacific FC Inaugural Success’ Issue of West Shore Voice News.
The news this week:
- Front Page: Langford busts loose: ‘national sports capital’ | Horgan delivers for Sooke (highway widening, medical clinic expansion, Knox Centre affordable housing)
- Editorial: Power shift puts Trudeau in tricky spot for election [Editorial]
- Inside: SD62: budget, calendar, new courses, measles, child care | Hold & Secure drill pays off for two west shore elementary schools | Highway 1 through Langford getting improvements soon | Diana still tops the list for a girl’s name for baby Sussex | Belmont Market lift-off with opening of Thrifty Foods as anchor tenant | Job Fair supports local food service employers and prospective employees | Traditional spring market surge absent this year | CleanBC rebates upped for homes & businesses | Pacific FC inaugural game draws sellout crowd | Two new docs for Sooke, plus expansion of existing clinic | Knox Centre ‘knocks it out of the park’ with 42 affordable rental units
- Back Page: Earth Day petition from Wishart Elementary students presented in BC Legislature | Sookarama business fair set to do it again in 2020

EVENTS are listed on page 4 this week in the print/PDF edition. | Also visit the online Events page of this website for updates.
<< Click on the cover image to read the full April 26 & May 3, 2019 Web Courtesy watermarked edition (Premium subscribers get the early edition by email, without watermarks).
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