Home News by Region View Royal View Royal town hall protests multi-family zoning

View Royal town hall protests multi-family zoning

Town Hall Nov 23 - 6 to 8 pm

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Thursday November 23, 2023 | VIEW ROYAL, BC [Updated November 24, 2023]

===== Click here for news coverage of the meeting

by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends

Tonight the Town of View Royal will give some high profile push back on BC housing legislation.

Specifically regarding Bill 44 which will allow landowners to build three or four units on a single-family lot, as part of boosting housing supply.

Tonight’s town hall is an opportunity for public input — 6 pm (to 8 pm) at the Victoria Scottish Community Centre.

view royal, town hall meeting

Attending tonight:

Bill 44 provides opportunity for single-family dwelling lot owners to build up to four units on one lot.

View Royal Councillor Damian Kowalewich posted in social media this afternoon that BC United housing critic Karin Kirkpatrick will be attending tonight’s town hall but that no NDP MLAs have confirmed attendance.

As legislation is still under debate, it’s unlikely ministers other than Housing Minister Ravi Kahlon would be available to comment or participate in a town hall.

Local MLA Mitzi Dean’s office says she has spoken with Mayor Tobias, and has discussed the town hall with the housing ministry.

Instant angst:

View Royal was already promoting their town hall on November 7, within hours of the legislation announcement including a letter by View Royal Mayor Sid Tobias to all fellow municipalities.

view royal, sid tobias, gery lemon
Mayor Sid Tobias and Councillor Gery Lemon as the Town of View Royal Nov 7, 2023 council meeting. [livestream]

Councillor Gery Lemon has expressed to Island Social Trends that “there was no consultation with municipalities and no opportunity for consultation with residents”.

She says View Royal recognizes the need for more housing and that View Royal has already been “doing its bit”. View Royal council is concerned that “residents will no longer have a voice in shaping their neighbourhoods”, says Lemon.

“The province didn’t engage with municipalities, it just happened… there was no opportunity for consultation with residents” especially around higher density.

Housing Minister Ravi Kahlon has repeated several times that the community can have input during OCP process. The OCP in every municipality will need to be updated every five years now, under legislation introduced this fall.

housing, town hall, view royal, audience
Public town hall about new provincial housing legislation attended by about 180 people, Nov 23, 2023 at the Victoria Scottish Community Centre. CLICK PHOTO TO READ EVENT NEWS COVERAGE. [Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]