Home Business & Economy Business & Economy Two town halls on affordability and economic relief

Two town halls on affordability and economic relief

town halls, macgregor
In the Cowichan-Duncan area on Nov 8 & 9, 2022.

Monday October 31, 2022 | DUNCAN, BC

by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends

The top concern of most Canadians this fall season is affordability. In fact, that’s been a concern for several years — made worse in recent months under the weight of continuing inflation and the stark realities of the continually rising costs of lifestyle basics like food, fuel and rent.

MP Alistair MacGregor (Cowichan-Malahat-Langford) will be hosting two town halls to update his constituents on the recently introduced federal economic relief measures.

It will be a key opportunity for MacGregor to hear from constituents about how the economy is affecting them.

Cowichan-Duncan locations:

town hall, macgregor
Two town halls on affordability and economic relief, over two nights in Cowichan & Duncan, Nov 8 & 9, 2022.

The Town Halls on Affordability and Economic Relief will be held in person on consecutive evenings, both on the Cowichan-Duncan side of MacGregor’s large riding.

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Alistair MacGregor discussing grocery chain food prices, Oct 17, 2022. [CPAC]

After each event there will be time for additional Q&A afterward.

Event attendees can find more information and RSVP on MP MacGregor’s website.

A recorded video of the events will also be posted on MP MacGregor’s Facebook and YouTube pages.

Dental, GST, Housing Benefit:

MacGregor’s town hall will focus on relief measures such as, the Canada Dental Benefit, the GST Rebate Increase, and the increase to the Canada Housing Benefit, which were secured by New Democrats as part of the Confidence and Supply Agreement.

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“My NDP colleagues and I entered into a confidence and supply agreement with the government to deliver much-needed financial supports to Canadians,” said MacGregor.

“It’s important for my constituents to know what supports are currently available, what’s coming down the pipeline, and what New Democrats are going to continue fighting for. It’s equally important for me to hear what they need from us as MPs.”

MacGregor has arranged for up-to-date resources to be provided from Service Canada and the CRA; caseworkers from his office will also be on hand to answer questions from attendees.

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