Home Education Westshore - SD62 SD62 Committees ready for 2020

SD62 Committees ready for 2020

Committees include Resources, Education Policy, Audit

Ravi Parmar, Bob Beckett, SD62 trustees
SD62 Chair Ravi Parmar (left) congratulated fellow trustee Bob Beckett upon becoming the Vice-Chair of the SD62 Board, December 10, 2019 [West Shore Voice News - M Brooke]

Friday December 20, 2019 ~ WEST SHORE

by Mary P Brooke ~ West Shore Voice News

At the December 10 board meeting of Sooke School District 62 (SD62) the trustees held an election for Chair and Vice-Chair. In a show of solidarity and support, the Board of Education re-elected Chair Ravi Parmar, while acclaiming Trustee Bob Beckett as their new Vice-Chair.

This week, SD62 announced its reorganized and new committees, where a lot of the policy discussion happens before recommendations are forwarded to the board for consideration and approval.

SD62, board meeting, December 10 2019, Margot Swinburnson, Allison Watson, Bob Phillips
SD62’s Milne’s Landing trustees at the December 10, 2019 SD62 Board Meeting (from left): Margot Swinburnson, Allison Watson, Bob Phillips, with Secretary-Treasurer Harold Cull (and behind, Kristina Ross, executive assistant). [West Shore Voice News – Mary Brooke]

Bob Phillips continues chairing the Education Policy Committee (with Margot Swinburnson and Dianna Seaton as members). Among other things, the EP Committee looks at every new proposed course in detail.

The Resources Committee is now chaired by board Vice-Chair Bob Beckett (formerly chaired by Vice-Chair Seaton), with Wendy Hobbs and Allison Watson as members. This committee crunches budget numbers and deals with facility development (e.g. new schools) in detail.

The Audit Committee remains with Wendy Hobbs as Chair, with Allison Watson, member. The Governance Committee will be under Dianna Seaton’s guidance as Chair, with Bob Beckett and Bob Phillips as members. Seaton will also be the representative to the Aboriginal Education Council. A new French Advisory Committee will see Hobbs as rep. Swinburnson will be the rep to the Victoria Family Court Youth Justice Committee (Seaton as Alternate).

Ravi Parmar, Dianna Seaton
SD62 Chair Ravi Parmar and SD62 Trustee Dianna Seaton who was thanked by the board for her recent service as Vice Chair; December 10, 2019 board meeting [West Shore Voice News – Mary Brooke]

Board Chair Ravi Parmar sits ex-officio (non-voting) on all committees.

Committees also have stakeholder members, such as Principals and Vice-Principals, STA, CUPE, and SPEAC. Appropriate senior administrators also attend.

EP and Resource Committee meetings are generally held once a month, in the weeks preceding each monthly public board meeting.

The full board serves for 2018-2022: Ravi Parmar, Chair (5 years service); Bob Beckett, Vice-Chair (1 year service); and Trustees Wendy Hobbs (23 years service – Belmont Zone), Bob Phillips (20 years service – Milne’s Landing Zone), Margot Swinburnson (20 years service – Milne’s Landing Zone); and Allison Watson (1 year service – Milne’s Landing Zone).

SD62 school trustees are elected by the public in two zones, alongside municipal elections. The Belmont Zone trustees are elected by voters in Langford, Colwood, Highlands, Metchosin and parts of View Royal. The Milne’s Landing Zone trustees are elected by voters in Sooke, East Sooke and Juan de Fuca area out to Port Renfrew.

=== NOTES:

Sd62, holiday season
Holiday greetings from Sooke School District 62 (SD62)

This article was first published on page 2 in the December 20, 2019 Print-PDF edition of West Shore Voice News.