Home Education Westshore - SD62 Robust registration expected for Sept 2024 Kindergarten

Robust registration expected for Sept 2024 Kindergarten

sd62, kindergarten, 2024, registration

Thursday January 4, 2024 | LANGFORD, BC

by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends

Starting this month, children born in 2019 can be registered for Kindergarten in Sooke School District 62 (SD62), to start classes in September 2024 (for the 2024/25 academic year). That’s for children who will turn age 5 years by December 31, 2024.

Families who live in Langford, Colwood, Sooke, Highlands, Metchosin, and the Juan de Fuca areas (East Sooke, Otter Point up to Port Renfrew) are within the SD62 catchment.

vancouver island, west shore, map
West Shore area of Greater Victoria, on South Vancouver Island, BC.

All but two of the SD62 schools are in Langford, Colwood and Sooke. There is also an elementary school in Metchosin and one in Port Renfrew.

Catchment overflow:

As a growing school district, some of the SD62 schools are nearing capacity.

ruth king elementary, school, langford
Ruth King Elementary School is located in central Langford. [Oct 31/23 / Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]

Visit the SD62 Student Enrolment Priorities page to learn more. Indigenous rights holders will have priority access to their respective Nation’s school of choice.

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Popular names for children born in 2019:

As a point of interest, for children born in 2019 who will be registering for a Kindergarten start in September 2024:

sd62, kindergarten, 2024, registration

Three streams:

There are three Kindergarten options in SD62: Nature K, French Immersion and Regular.

Nature Kindergarten:

The high-demand Nature K and French Immersion Kindergarten programs will see registration run January 15 through 19. Parents must attend a mandatory Nature K information session prior to registration. For a list of dates, see the Nature Kindergarten page.

nature k, outdoor learning, saseenos
Outdoor play at Saseenos Elementary in Sooke. [Saseenos Elementary School website]

Nature Kindergarten is available at the following schools:

French Immersion Kindergarten:

French Immersion Kindergarten is available at the following schools:

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French Immersion classroom at Millstream Elementary in Langford. [school website]

Kindergarten in BC:

Regular Kindergarten registration runs January 29 through February 2.

More information about Kindergarten in BC is available on the Ministry of Education and Child Care website.

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Classroom play space at a new elementary school (PEXSISEN Elementary in Langford), Sept 2022. [Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]

How to register:

All registration is done online at registration.sd62.bc.ca .

Parents or guardians are advised to read the Registration Guide to make sure the required documents are ready to upload during registration. 

Students will not be officially registered until all documentation is uploaded.

dumont tirecraft, wet roads

Fast-growing student population:

The SD62 student population has been steadily increasing each year since 2014. This is driven by continual housing development in the west shore area (part of the regional growth strategy of the Capital Regional District).

There has been “a remarkable growth rate of 40% over the last 15 years,” said Paul Block last fall when he was SD62 deputy superintendent. Block is now SD62 Superintendent, effective January 1, 2024.

paul block, sd62, board meeting
Deputy Superintendent Paul Block at the August 29, 2023 SD62 board meeting. [livestream]

“The municipality is open for business and for development,” said Block in an interview in October 2023. “The municipality has been very aggressive and rightfully so,” he said about Langford jumping on the expansion opportunities found within the CRD’s growth strategy. “The challenge for us has been in keeping up with that, of course,” said Block, “knowing that we’re working on a different development cycle than (housing) development does”.

For this current academic year (2023/24) there are 13,767 students in SD62 classrooms (at September 30, 2023). That’s 680 more students over the previous year.

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Find out more about Island Social Trends! Happy New Year 2024!

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Mary P Brooke has followed the news of SD62 at the board and committee level since 2014. She is the founding editor and publisher of Island Social Trends which launched at IslandSocialTrends.ca mid-2020 (and before that was in print as MapleLine Magazine 2008-2010, Sooke Voice News 2011-2013, and West Shore Voice News 2014-2020). Island Social Trends will re-emerge in print starting 2024.

headshot, mary p brooke
Mary P Brooke, Editor & Publisher of Island Social Trends.

Ms Brooke reports with the BC Legislative Press Gallery and in 2023 was nominated for a Jack Webster Foundation award for contributing to community through journalism.

Mary P Brooke was an SD62 trustee candidate in 2022 as a way to enliven discussion around key issues for parents in the community.

Mary raised her four children in Oak Bay/Fairfield and Sooke (SD61 and SD62) through the years when education suffered under cutbacks and slow school growth under the previous (BC Liberal) government. Ms Brooke was active in parent PAC leadership, generating facilities results with new sidewalks at two elementary schools (2006-2007) and a parking lot for parents at one of those schools (2008).