Home News by Region Langford Playgrounds in Langford are no-go zones as of Sunday evening March 22

Playgrounds in Langford are no-go zones as of Sunday evening March 22

McCormick Meadows park, Langford, November 2019
Families in the McCormick Meadows playground park on opening day November 16, 2019 [West Shore Voice News - M Brooke]

Friday March 20, 2020 ~ LANGFORD

by Mary Brooke ~ West Shore Voice News

All municipal playgrounds will be closed in the City of Langford as of day’s-end Sunday March 22.

The City says it is taking this action to protect public health as part of efforts to minimize the spread of COVID-19.

It is hoped that everyone will cooperate with provincial public health authorities who are insisting that we do social distancing. By staying one to two meters (3 to 6 ft) apart from other people, this offers less opportunity for the virus to spread from person to person.

The COVID-19 virus spreads in moist droplets that are ‘heavy’ and can only be spread so far in sneezes and coughs. The virus sheds from people who are infected. The virus can survive on hard surfaces like plastic and metal for several hours or days, and for a few hours on porous materials like paper and cloth.

Municipal parks and trails remain open. The City encourages residents to continue to enjoy local parks and natural areas while also maintaining social distancing from others. Nature parks in Langford include Goldstream Provincial Park, Langford Lake, Glen Lake, and Florence Lake.

Meanwhile, CRD playgrounds in parks, recreation centres and other CRD facilities are all now temporarily closed (as of 3 pm Friday March 20). Public parks remain open, but CRD strongly recommends that visitors follow appropriate protocols outlined by the Provincial Health Officer.

=== LINKS:

City of Langford COVIC-19 information page

BC Centre for Disease Control – statistics, updates, about social distancing, and more | Non-medical information about COVID-19 is available 7:30 am to 8 pm, 7 days a week at 1-888-COVID19 (1-888-268-4319).