Home Election Tracker Federal NDP MacGregor in two critic roles: public safety & agriculture

MacGregor in two critic roles: public safety & agriculture

alistair macgregor
Alistair MacGregor, MP (Cowichan-Malahat-Langford).

Wednesday April 10, 2024 | OTTAWA, ON

by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends

Politics is ever-changing. Roles and portfolios shift and change.

Last week on April 5, local Member of Parliament Alistair MacGregor (Cowichan-Malahat-Langford) was named as the federal NDP’s public safety and national security critic.

alistair macgregor, house of commons, june 2023
Alistair MacGregor, MP (Cowichan-Malahat-Langford) goes to bat for Port Renfrew school funding, in the House of Commons June 15, 2023. [CPAC]

MacGregor will also remain as the party’s critic for food price inflation and agriculture and agri-food.  MacGregor is a member of the House of Commons Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food.

MacGregor previously served in the role of public safety critic before focusing on food price inflation and corporate greed in the grocery retail sector in 2022 and 2023.

alistair macgregor, caucus chair
Alistair MacGregor, MP (Cowichan-Malahat-Langford) chairing the NDP caucus in Jan 2024. [NDP]

His efforts in the food area led to a full committee investigation and an NDP bill to give the Competition Bureau more powers to increase competition and lower food costs.  

Back in January, MacGregor chaired the NDP caucus for a short period.

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Helping keep communities safe:

“I’m happy to be returning to the public safety critic role and continuing my previous work to make sure that our communities are safe for everyone,” said MacGregor in a news release. “No one should be worried when they’re walking around their neighbourhood, and New Democrats are fighting to make our communities safer.” 

“New Democrats believe we should keep communities safe, not fear-monger. Which is what I’ll be working towards in this role,” our local MP said. 

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“When it comes to keeping our communities safe, instead of providing the responsible oversight and policies needed, Pierre Poilievre and the Conservatives are driving up fear to score political points instead of protecting people. And the Liberals are out-of-touch with what our communities are facing,” MacGregor added.  

house of commons, seats, 2024
Party affiliation of Members of Parliament in Canada’s House of Commons (as at April 10, 2024).

Parliamentary strength of NDP:

Currently the NDP have 24 seats in the House of Commons. A few months ago, former MP Daniel Blaikie departed the federal NDP to work provincially in Manitoba. Other MPs have also taken on different portfolios.

Three long-time NDP MPs recently announced they will not be running again in the next federal election (currently scheduled for October 20, 2025).

The Liberals have a minority government with 156 seats, currently being propped up by a Supply and Confidence Agreement with the NDP.

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