Home Traffic LANGFORD TRAFFIC: Malahat roadworks to resume Sept 5

LANGFORD TRAFFIC: Malahat roadworks to resume Sept 5

Mon Sept 4 - Malahat southbound expected to be busy 2 to 7 pm

malahat, southbound, wet
Wet road conditions on the Malahat section of Hwy 1 on Sept 3, 2023. [DriveBC]

Sunday September 3, 2023 | LANGFORD, BC [Updated September 4, 2023]

by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends | TRAFFIC UPDATES

The busy Malahat section of Highway 1 saw suspended roadwork construction from noon on Friday Sept 1 ahead of the long weekend, to help ease any traffic delays during the busy end-of-summer travel season.

The construction zone at Tunnel Hill will be back in action after the Labour Day long weekend, starting at 7 am on Tuesday September 5.

malahat, southbound, wet
Wet road conditions on the Malahat section of Hwy 1 on Sept 3, 2023. [DriveBC]

It’s estimated by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) that over 120,000 vehicles will traverse the Malahat corridor over the Labour Day long weekend, from Friday through to Monday.

The Malahat runs from within Langford, past Goldstream Provincial Park, with Mill Bay ahead and central Vancouver Island beyond.

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High traffic volumes:

According to MOTI, the highest travel volumes over summer long weekends are:


  • Thurs 12 noon to 6 pm, Fri noon to 6 pm (with 3 to 6 pm the heaviest)
  • Sat 11 am to 2 pm


  • Sunday 2 to 6 pm
  • Holiday Monday: 2 to 7 pm (with 3 to 6 pm the heaviest)

Prepare for the drive:

Travelers are asked to plan their journeys with extra time to reach their destinations and be prepared by packing extra water, food and supplies for passengers and pets.

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Drive to conditions — rainy weather is in the forecast for today and Monday.

Observe traffic management personnel and signage in the area.

Check with DriveBC for current road conditions.

malahat, southbound, dry
Dry sunny road conditions on the Malahat section of Hwy 1 on the morning of Mon Sept 4, 2023. [DriveBC]
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