Home Election Tracker BC Green Party Furstenau takes BC Green fight to downtown Victoria

Furstenau takes BC Green fight to downtown Victoria

Sonia Furstenau will be taking on a favoured NDP cabinet minister.

sonia furstenau, bc green, victoria
BC Green Party Leader Sonia Furstenau announced her shift to Victoria-Beacon Hill, at a media session January 31, 2024. [livestream]

Thursday February 1, 2024 | VICTORIA, BC [Updated February 2, 2024]

by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends

After serving constituents for about seven years in Cowichan Valley, BC Green Party leader Sonia Furstenau has shifted her local focus while maintaining the province-wide lead for the party.

grace lore, sonia furstenau
Grace Lore (left) is the NDP MLA for Victoria-Beacon Hill. Sonia Furstenau will run for the BC Greens in Victoria-Beacon Hill in the Oct 2024 election. [IST composite]

On January 31, Furstenau announced that she will run as the BC Green candidate for the downtown capital region riding of Victoria-Beacon Hill. That’s where first-term NDP MLA Grace Lore holds the seat; Lore was recently appointed as Minister of Children and Family Development (MCFD).

In social media yesterday, Lore welcomed Furstenau to the community, saying “it is the best riding”. Lore rolled out this list of what she sees as important in Victoria-Beacon Hill: “housing, the climate crisis, reconciliation, healthcare, and more”.

Long-time NDP riding:

Victoria-Beacon Hill has long been held by the NDP. Former Deputy Premier and Finance Minister Carole James — a long-time confidante to former Premier John Horgan — held Victoria-Beacon Hill during 2005 to 2020.

jenna sudds, grace lore
Federal federal Minister of Families, Children and Social Development Jenna Sudds (left) and BC Minister of State for Child Care Grace Lore, Oct 30, 2023. [BC Govt]

Lore was elected under Horgan in 2020, and was first appointed as Parliamentary Secretary for Gender Equity. Under Premier David Eby she started as Minister of State for Child Care before being bumped up to Minister of Children and Family Development in a January 2024 cabinet shuffle.

Won every election so far:

Furstenau was first elected in Cowichan Valley in 2017 and re-elected in the 2020 snap election. In yesterday’s announcement held yesterday in Victoria, Furstenau said she has won in every election in which she has run.

sonia furstenau, bc greens
BC Greens Leader Sonia Furstenau (web)

Prior to the provincial level, she was elected as Area B Director for the Cowichan Valley Regional District, serving for three years.

Furstenau says her political journey has been one of “growth, learning, and an unwavering commitment to our collective values as BC Greens”.

Closer to family:

Furstenau says the core of her decision to shift to Victoria-Beacon Hill is to be closer to her family, including her two grown sons. “Returning to Victoria is more than a political decision, it’s a homecoming,” she said, explaining her family roots and her time in Victoria as a university student and starting her young family.

Furstenau told Island Social Trends in a later phone interview that her decision to shift to downtown Victoria has been in the works for quite a while.

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Closer to the legislature:

Politically speaking, Furstenau’s shift of electoral areas speaks volumes:

  • Shift from rural to urban
  • Both ridings hold large populations of BC’s lowest-income people
  • She will be close to the Legislature on a daily basis.
  • She will be taking on a brand-new cabinet minister in an area of great concern to the BC Greens, i.e. child welfare (BC Green House Leader Adam Olsen pushed hard for the resignation of former MCFD Minister Mitzi Dean over what the Greens felt was a failure of Indigenous youth in care).

Upcoming election:

There are three newly-boundaried ridings in the south Vancouver Island region for the upcoming 2024 provincial election.

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Proposed new electoral boundaries would create a large rural riding (Juan de Fuca-Malahat) and condense the Langford vote into the urban area (Langford-Highlands). | BC Boundaries Commission map – 2022

The 2024 election will be the first with new boundaries for the Cowichan Valley riding, with some of its eastern communities now in a different riding. Furstenau said yesterday that she was “surprised” by the boundary changes. The boundaries commission looks primarily at population distribution and does not always successfully consider the community-based and on-the-ground governance realities of boundaries.

soil quality, workshop, langford, 2024

The three new south Vancouver Island ridings (population count) are:

  • Langford-Highlands (49,110) – includes Langford and Highlands
  • Juan de Fuca-Malahat (44,980) – includes Sooke, Juan de Fuca, Metchosin and Malahat
  • Esquimalt-Colwood (58,356) – includes Esquimalt, Colwood, View Royal and Vic West

The upcoming provincial election is scheduled for October 19, 2024. The current 87-MLA seat count is comprised of an NDP majority with 56 seats, with three opposition parties: BC United (28 seats), BC Green (2 seats), and Conservative Party of BC (2 seats).

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Island Social Trends reports news with socioeconomic insights and analysis. Independent news service on south Vancouver Island, BC.

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