Saturday, October 20 ~ LANGFORD.
by Mary P Brooke ~ West Shore Voice News
By 6 pm, the Langford municipal Voting Station set up at Ruth King Elementary on Jacklin Road had seen a steady pace and some long lineups out to the main doors of the school.
Of an estimated eligible voter count of 26,018, the Langford vote tally to 6:15 pm (including the votes cast at the other Voting Station at Millstream Elementary on Hoy Lake Road) came to 3,364 which together with 1,099 from the advance voting days, comes to 4,463 or 17.1% turnout so far.
The final vote tally will be known after the polls close at 8 pm. See: https://islandsocialtrends.ca/west-shore-municipal-trustee-election-results-2018/
For advance poll results of October 10 and October 17, see: https://islandsocialtrends.ca/advance-voting-on-october-17-tops-up-the-numbers/