Home Organizations & Associations Elections BC BC local elections: campaign donations, where to vote

BC local elections: campaign donations, where to vote

Donations up to $50 can be made anonymous at an event | Voting hours 8 am to 8 pm OCTOBER 15 | Advance voting OCTOBER 5 & 12 (also 8 am to 8 pm)

elections bc

Wednesday September 21, 2022 | VICTORIA, BC

Posted by Island Social Trends

Local elections in BC are held every four years.

Candidates for municipal and school trustee positions are aiming to serve in 2022-2026.

The election date is Saturday October 15, 2022. Advance voting will be held on two Wednesdays: October 5 and 12.

Municipalities run the elections:

Each municipality in BC operates the elections process for the candidates in their jurisdiction, including the school trustees.

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Anonymous cash donations can be up to $50, and must be made into a donation box at an event.

Any donation of $100 or more has the donor’s name publicly recorded.

Anyone can donate up to $1,250 to a candidate’s election campaign.

More info posted by Elections BC: Making a Campaign Donation

Where & when to vote:

Check the website of your local municipality and/or school district for information on where to vote.

Across the BC, the voting hours are 8 am to 8 pm on General Election Day, which is Saturday October 15, 2022.

Advance voting is also 8 am to 8 pm.

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Island Social Trends has been reporting news of south Vancouver Island since 2008.

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The publication series started with MapleLine Magazine (2008-2010), which became the weekly print Sooke Voice News (2011-2013), and then the weekly colour print/PDF West Shore Voice News, before emerging as a fully online portal in mid-2020.

Founder, publisher and editor is Mary P Brooke, B.Sc., Cert PR.