Home Business & Economy Arts & Entertainment Food, people and fun at the Luxton Fall Fair

Food, people and fun at the Luxton Fall Fair

luxton fall fair, midway, people, hills
Rides and people on the midway at the Luxton Fall Fair in Langford, Sept 28, 2024. [Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]

Sunday September 29, 2024 | LANGFORD, BC

by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends

The fairgrounds at the Luxton Fall Fair host the roller coaster and other adrenalin-rush midway rides.

Each year there is also a display of winning produce, artwork and crafts.

luxton fall fair, midway rides
Midway at the Luxton Fall Fair on Sept 28, 2024. [Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]

In 2024, the Luxton Fall Fair is celebrating 113 years of Fall Fairs in the Western Communities, on the fairgrounds site at 1040 Marwood Avenue in Langford.

tomatoes, apples, luxton fall fair
Tomatoes, apples and more at the 2024 Luxton Fall Fair. [Island Social Trends]

Lower attendance:

This year’s attendance was not as strong as in previous years. The weather was cool, and this last weekend of September was a later than usual time slot (dependent on availability of the midway rides).

luxton fall fair
Ribbon-winning local homegrown produce at the Luxton Fall Fair, Sept 28, 2024. [Island Social Trends]

As well, with the current provincial election going on many people are out at events and door-knocking. Or perhaps this was a camping weekend at summer’s end. Last weekend there was a big turnout for

The Langford Station event with live entertainment and many food trucks which may have maxed-out the party-going mood of Langford locals.

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Rides and agricultural displays:

There were midway rides and games, activities like milling Grain into Flour, displays of blacksmithing and Antique Farm Equipment, a large operational miniature Trains display, and apple cider making.

apple cider, fall fair
Lining up for apple cider at the 2024 Luxton Fall Fair. [Island Social Trends]

There were museum displays of the west shore’s history, local artisan booths, and information booths hosted by political candidates and some local non-profits.

ravi parmar, langford, campaign
Ravi Parmar is out meeting people in Langford during the provincial election campaign, including at the Luxton Fall Fair on Sept 28, 2024 in Langford. [Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]

The midway rides were open on Friday night, and the full fair was open for the September 27 & 29 weekend, from noon to later in the evening.

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The 4H Club had a festive award event on Saturday evening, to recognize the top winners of produce, baked goods, flowers, artwork and other items that were on display.

Here are some photos of the 2024 Luxton Fall Fair (by Island Social Trends):

luxton fall fair, rides, langford
Midway at the Luxton Fall Fair on Sept 28, 2024. [Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]
produce, gardening, luxton fall fair
Ribbon-winning produce at the Luxton Fall Fair, Sept 28, 2024. [Island Social Trends]
urban food resilience initiatives society, logo
baked goods, jams, ribbon, prize, fall fair
Ribbon-winning baked goods and preserves at the Luxton Fall Fair, Sept 28, 2024. [Island Social Trends]
fall fair, luxton, produce, ribbons
Ribbon-winning produce and other items at the Luxton Fall Fair, Sept 28, 2024. [Island Social Trends]
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