Home Business & Economy Food & Agriculture Agriculture minister on farm tour with UBCM delegates

Agriculture minister on farm tour with UBCM delegates

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Agriculture and Food Minister Pam Alexis on the UBCM farm tour on September 18, 2023. [BC Govt]
BC 2024 Provincial Election news analysis

Monday September 18, 2023 | VANCOUVER, BC [Updated 5:07 pm]

by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends | FOOD SECURITY NEWS SECTION

Today on Day 1 of the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) convention, Agriculture and Food Minister Pam Alexis first took a farm tour, before heading back to Vancouver for the rest of the five-day convention.

pam alexis, ubcm, farm tour
Agriculture and Food Minister Pam Alexis on the UBCM farm tour on September 18, 2023. [BC Govt]

The UBCM agricultural farm tour bus went to Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows. “It was a wonderful to showcase some of our incredible BC producers and ag businesses to the group,” said Minister Alexis in a post this afternoon on X (Twitter).

Tour hosts included Blue Magic Greenhouses (cut flowers), Golden Ears Cheesecrafters (cheese), Silver Valley Farma (blueberries), and Hopcott Farm (meats, seafood and produce).

Supporting and reorienting agriculture:

Since becoming the Minister in December last year, Alexis has turned the Ministry of Agriculture and Food in some strong new directions including applying the $200 million in 2022-2023 surplus funding toward some new agricultural initiatives to help bolster food resiliency across the province.

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“We’ve seen the impacts of climate emergencies on BC’s farming communities and we’re continuing to act with a new Food Security Emergency Planning and Preparedness fund to help farmers and their communities be better prepared while protecting our food security,” says Minister Alexis.

Her Ministry released a statement today about increasing food security in BC.

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About UBCM:

The UBCM convention is a gathering of mayors and councils from around the province, to meet with provincial ministers, deputy ministers and other staffers around the wide range of issues that affect municipalities and communities around the province.

This year the convention is being held in Vancouver. The annual convention location rotates each year among Vancouver, Whistler and Victoria.

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