Saturday January 15, 2022 | LANGFORD, BC
by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends
If you’re not already hooked on the Wordle online wordplay game, you could be soon!
The game to discover a five-letter word within six tries is offered once every 24 hours. Tracked by IP address of course.
It’s a perfect way to get your day started, especially during a pandemic. It offers routine to the day but a fresh challenge to the mind.
It will bring out the competitive edge in just about anyone!
There aren’t any ads or user-fee, but don’t expect that to last long.
How it works:
Each day you’re offered a new word interface. Work at your own speed.
The system keeps score for you, including displaying your ‘winning streak’ and percentage wins.
The once-a-day deduction game asks players to figure out a five-letter word. Players receive a maximum of six guesses to complete the word.
Here’s how to play:
You’re starting with a blank grid of six rows, offering five empty input-squares per row.
- Enter a five-letter word in the first line.
- Any letters that come up green are in the word and in the correct position in that word.
- Any letters that come up with a golden-yellow background are in the word but not in that position.
- Any letters that come up with grey background are not in the word.
- Guess the word within six tries.
The keyboard below the play area helps you keep track of what letters you’ve tried and which can still be used.
You can type directly into the grid or type onto the mini keyboard itself.

Social media bragging:

The Wordle interface gives you a cryptic-looking block of squares to use for bragging rights on social media.
Even our local MP, Alistair MacGregor, has posted his Wordle achievements online!
Wordle is the perfect pandemic pastime. Free, fun and friendly.
However, respectfully, we note that people working on the front lines of the pandemic may not have time for word-games.
We honour the health-care workers and other frontline workers who wish — more than any of us — that the pandemic could be over.
Here’s how to thank a health-care worker: submit your thanks by email or online to the Island Health health-care workers.