Home Organizations & Associations UBCM UBCM 2023 Day 4: climate resilience & clean transportation

UBCM 2023 Day 4: climate resilience & clean transportation

Lieutenant Governor Janet Austin to address delegates on Climate Resilience | Three environment-related resolutions from Metchosin

ubcm 2023, day 4

Thursday September 21, 2023 | VANCOUVER, BC [Updated 10:35 am]

by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends | POLITICAL NEWS SECTION

The 2023 Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) convention continues this week in Vancouver, with over 2,000 delegates attending this 120th annual convention.

The 2023 convention theme is “Balancing Act” — recognizing an essential element in the art of governance. The program covers a wide range of topics and issues. [See overall convention profile]

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Today’s Day 4 highlights include a morning speech by BC United Leader Kevin Falcon, the principal policy (resolutions) session, and some afternoon workshops:

  • Creating Climate Resilient Communities Through Collaboration – Lieutenant Governor Janet Austin
  • Provincial Clean Transportation Action Plan – Minister Josie Obsorne, Energy, Mines & Low Carbon Innovation

Three environment-related policy resolutions are being put forward by the District of Metchosin (Mayor Marie-Térèse Little):

  • Supporting Biodiversity in Local Communities [EB32] – Metchosin
  • Protection of Old Growth Forests [EB55] – Metchosin
  • Reducing Anchorages Outside the Port of Vancouver [NR38] – Metchosin

There appear to be no resolutions this year from other west shore municipalities (such as Colwood, Langford, View Royal).

Delegates are mayors and councillors and regional district directors from around the province. Many MLAs attend, as do deputy ministers and ADMs and a range of experts and consultants.

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Friday preview:

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More to come:

Check back at IslandSocialTrends.ca through the week to see our coverage of various aspects of UBCM 2023.