Home Education Westshore - SD62 Time capsule in Langford highlights education within city growth

Time capsule in Langford highlights education within city growth

All Lakewood Elementary former students are welcome to attend.

SD62, Lakewood Elementary, Langford
Lakewood Elementary School in Langford in the Sooke School District 62 [SD62 file photo].

Monday January 27, 2020 ~ LANGFORD

by Mary Brooke ~ West Shore Voice News

After 25 years, a time capsule put in place at Lakewood Elementary School in Langford will be opened at a celebration among community leaders and school alumni on Monday February 3.

Langford Mayor Stew Young, December 2019
Langford Mayor Stew Young speaking with media in town centre December 2019 [West Shore Voice News – Mary Brooke]

The school opening in 1995 was attended by Langford Mayor Stew Young who is still the active mayor of this growing city where the population now surpasses 42,000.

Now a burgeoning metropolis, Langford will see two new schools — one elementary and one middle — opening in its Westhills neighbourhood for September 2022. Names of the new schools (being announced in the coming weeks or months – including at an open house on March 12) will acknowledge prominent community members, geographical references, or Indigenous recognition.

Also coming is another high school in Langford (with Belmont Secondary ‘2.0’ in Westhills already beyond capacity) and also soon a Langford-based post-secondary campus led academically by Royal Roads University along with a Camosun component and interwoven with the needs of the west shore’s Sooke School District 62 (SD62) which is often promoted by SD62 Chair Ravi Parmar as the fastest growing school district per capita in BC.

Ravi Parmar, SD62 Chair
SD62 Chair Ravi Parmar at the December 2019 board meeting [West Shore Voice News – Mary Brooke]

SD62 produces about 750 Grade 12 graduates per year through currently three high schools — one in each of Langford, Colwood and Sooke, as well as the Westshore Centre for Learning & Training which incorporates other avenues to graduation.

See the West Shore Voice News Events page for information on the February 3 event (1:15 pm) which all Lakewood Elementary former students are welcome to attend.

West Shore Voice News, page 2, January 24 2020
Page 2 thumbnail of the January 24, 2020 print-PDF edition of West Shore Voice News.

==== This article was first published on page 2 in the January 24, 2020 print-PDF edition of West Shore Voice News.