Home Sections Food & Cooking Thrifty Foods recalling Sunrise turkeys ahead of Thanksgiving

Thrifty Foods recalling Sunrise turkeys ahead of Thanksgiving

Sunrise Grade A Fresh Turkey (5- 8 kg ) with Best Before Date Oct 11, 2023

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Grade A Turkey [Metro]

Friday October 6, 2023 | LANGFORD, BC [Updated October 7, 2023]

by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends

As advised to Thrifty Foods customers today by way of their email newsletter:

“If you have purchased a Sunrise Grade A Fresh Turkey (5- 8 kg ) with a Best Before of October 11, we ask that you return it to a Thrifty Foods store near you for a full refund.”

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Thanksgiving season at Thrifty Foods in Langford. [File photo 2022 – Michael Boivin]

Island Social Trends is looking into this recall for more specific details — was it a refrigeration lapse, or processing issue? According to reports in national TV media the turkeys contained uncooked giblets and there were concerns about microbacterial contamination.

Here on Vancouver Island, Thrifty Foods has taken their precautionary move ahead of the Thanksgiving weekend due to concerns related to food safety after discovering potential issues that could compromise food safety.

city of langford, strategic plan

Customers who have purchased these turkeys have been urged to return them to any Thrifty Foods store for a full refund. The recall has been prompted by concerns regarding the faster-than-expected spoilage of that particular batch of turkeys.

Sobeys says they have removed the products from all of its Western Canadian stores including FreshCo, IGA, Safeway, Sobeys and Thrifty Foods after it was determined the product didn’t meet their quality standards.

Thrifty Foods has stores across Greater Victoria, including one in Langford (in the Belmont Market) and in Colwood (on Island Highway near Wale Road).


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News is reported through a socioeconomic lens, including where any political or government impacts are relevant.

Island Social Trends Editor Mary P Brooke has a B.Sc. in foods and nutrition. She is interested in the health aspects of good food in today’s modern society, and gives talks on urban food resilience. See the Island Social Trends Food Security news section.

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