Home Sections Justice & Legal Teens develop critical thinking skills in RCMP coffee talk session

Teens develop critical thinking skills in RCMP coffee talk session

Reorient life choices away from criminal behavior.

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Cadets do a table-top learning exercise with West Shore RCMP Restorative Justice and Community Policing Unit, May 8, 2023. [West Shore RCMP]

Monday May 22, 2023 | COLWOOD, BC

by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends

The West Shore Restorative Justice Coffee Talk Program organized by the West Shore RCMP is to enhance awareness of restorative justice practice throughout the West Shore community.

The program builds on the restorative justice forums to provide a community forum to promote pro-social activities, positive decision making, and reorient life choices away from criminal behavior.

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Restorative table-talk learning exercise by West Shore RCMP with local teen cadets, May 8, 2023. [West Shore RCMP]

The Coffee Talk program will impact the community by using adult mentorship to promote physical and mental health, enhance life skills, and foster positive relationships.

“Through these connections youth can develop leadership skills in the community and be advocates for restorative justice in our community,” says Cpl Nancy Saggar, Media Relations, West Shore RCMP.


May 8 event:

On Monday evening, May 8, the West Shore RCMP Restorative Justice and Community Policing Unit worked with the cadets of the 848 squadron to teach critical thinking skills by giving the teens (age 14 years and over) a scenario to work through.

nancy saggar, rcmp, west shore
West Shore RCMP Media Relations Officer Cst Nancy Saggar outside the detachment, March 21, 2023. [Island Social Trends]

The group of six to 10 teens were given a restorative justice file scenario with five characters who all had a role in an incident. “We then have them  rate who is responsible based on a 1 to 5 choice,” said Saggar. That was followed by a review and conversation.

The table top scenario rated levels of responsibility for shoplifting, alcohol and hosting a party with under-age drinking. The goal was to explore ideas around criminal and civil liability and to develop some take-away critical thinking skills.

“We then discuss the results and talk about the pros/cons of the decisions,” says Saggar.

The 1-hour event with Cadets, RCMP, and Restorative Justice was held at the Colwood Pacific Activity Centre in Colwood, BC.

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mary p brooke
Mary P Brooke, Editor, Island Social Trends

Island Social Trends reports on news through a socioeconomic lens. Reporting in the west shore region of south Vancouver Island since 2008 (MapleLine Magazine 2008-2010, Sooke Voice News 2011-2013, West Shore Voice News 2014-2020, Island Social Trends 2020 to present).

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Editor for all publications in this series: Mary P Brooke.