Home Business & Economy Arts & Entertainment Sooke Fine Arts Show purchaser’s preview on July 26

Sooke Fine Arts Show purchaser’s preview on July 26

The 2024 Sooke Fine Arts Show runs July 27 to August 5 | Tickets online or at the door

sooke fine arts show 2024

Friday July 26, 2-24 | SOOKE, BC

by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends

Despite a wildfire in the region, the show must go on!

The Sooke Fine Arts Show (SFAS) will hold their popular pre-show Purchaser’s Preview this evening at the SEAPARC Recreation Centre. Tickets are $50.

sooke fine arts show, 2024, exhibit, paintings
Artworks on display at the Sooke Fine Arts Show, July 2024. [Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]

The evening is an opportunity to see first and buy early. A red dot will be placed on items that become sold.

As every year, pieces in the show include paintings, sculpture, wood carvings, photography, ceramics, and more.

sooke fine arts show, 2024

The show runs 10 days this year, from July 27 to Monday of the BC Day long weekend, August 5.

Over 375 works of art will be on display, as selected for the show by three jurors. There is also a youth art exhibit, by local high school students.

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Awards night:

On August 2 there is the annual artist award evening, by invitation. Artists will be awarded on stage by sponsors and VIPs. Each year Sooke Mayor Maja Tait attends. For years, former Premier John Horgan attended, as MLA for the area.

vips, sponsors, sfas, art show
Sponsors and invited guests at the Sooke Fine Arts Show awards night event, August 4, 2023 at SEAPARC Leisure Complex. [Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]

Many volunteers make the show possible — from setup to take down and all the steps in between.

There is a gift shop within the show in the rec centre arena that becomes transformed into a professional art exhibit for the full 10 days.

sfas, terrie moore, arts show
Sooke Fine Arts Society Executive Director Terrie Moore at the 2023 awards night, Aug 4, 2023. [Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]


The 2024 Sooke Fine Arts Show major sponsors include the District of Sooke and the Victoria Foundation, as well as:

CHAMPIONS – $5000+
Butler Concrete & Aggregate Ltd.
CHEK Media
Keycorp Consulting Ltd.
Seacliff Properties
SEAPARC Recreation Centre
Times Colonist
Tom Lee Music

SEAPARC strategic plan, online survey, open houses, public input

Air North & NVD Hotels
Island Social Trends
Marsden Group
Point No Point Resort Ltd
Sooke News Mirror
VIMEX Contracting Ltd
West Coast Grill

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Any event changes will be posted:

If there is any change in the show’s 10-day schedule, the public will be notified, says SFAS Executive Director Terrie Moore.

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