Monday November 27, 2023 | LANGFORD, BC [Updated December 11, 2023]
by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends
More French-language books will be purchased for the school library at Ecole John Stubbs with proceeds of book purchases at the popular Munro’s Books retail store in downtown Victoria.
School District SD62 Sooke posted the fundraiser in social media today.

Boosting second-language library stacks:
Island Social Trends inquired with SD62 as to whether or not there is a shortage of library books at Ecole John Stubbs Memorial.
John Stubbs is a fully French Immersion elementary and middle school (K-8) located in Colwood. The school population is 823 students.
The teacher librarian at John Stubbs reached out to Munro’s Books to see if they were interested in working together on a virtual book fair, says SD62 communications rep Kristen McGillivray.
“The school library is focussed on expanding their collection of books to support second language learners and to diversify their collection so all students can see themselves represented,” says the SD62 spokesperson.
That appears to go beyond French language support, but also into the range of book content.
Many book fairs in SD62:
There are many book fairs throughout the school year across SD62, which has schools in Langford, Colwood and Sooke (and one in Metchosin). Book fairs are planned at the school level.
There have been book fairs with Scholastic Canada over the years — which many parents are familiar with, as an added expense of having children in schools (hard to say no to the kids, and books are valued).
There have also been book fairs with Russell Books this year.
Spencer Middle School was selected for the Indigo’s Love of Reading Foundation Adopt a School program earlier this fall.
Ministry comment:
Island Social Trends has reached out to the Ministry of Education and Child Care for comment on the need for books in schools and the cost to parents to participate in book fairs like Scholastic Canada.
According to the Ministry, the school districts throughout BC decide what to spend on libraries, calling libraries “an incredibly important resource”.
Full ministry statement on school libraries and funding [link to come].

Island Social Trends follows the news of south Vancouver Island and BC through a political and socioeconomic lens, with an eye to national politics impacts on life here on Vancouver Island. News is posted daily at . | ABOUT ISLAND SOCIAL TRENDS
Editor Mary P Brooke has been providing news coverage leadership in the west shore and region since 2008, as the founding publisher and editor of MapleLine Magazine (2008-2010), Sooke Voice News (2011-2013), West Shore Voice News (2014-2020), and Island Social Trends (since mid-2020).
Mary P Brooke ran for school trustee in SD62 in 2022 and continues to cover education issues at both local and provincial levels.