Home Election Tracker Canadian Federal 2019 Randall Pewarchuk heading into home stretch of campaign

Randall Pewarchuk heading into home stretch of campaign

'Honesty, Integrity, Compassion'

Randall Pewarchuk, Conservative

Tuesday, October 8, 2019 ~ COLWOOD

by Mary P Brooke ~ West Shore Voice News

Conservative candidate Dr Randall Pewarchuk (Esquimalt-Saanich-Sooke) has been participating at All Candidates meetings these past few weeks, getting around the community for door knocking, and waving signs with his team at the roadsides.

Esquimalt-Saanich-Sooke also includes Colwood, Metchosin and Juan de Fuca west of Sooke out to Jordan River.

Pewarchuk will be participating in the Brookes Westshore private school debate in Colwood after the Thanksgiving weekend — on Wednesday October 16. It’s open to the public, from 10:45 am to 11:30 am. | See Events page.

Pewarchuk says only the Conservatives adequately pay attention to rural issues. For matters of addressing climate change, he says Conservatives believe in the use of technology, not taxation, for addressing pollution in a pragmatic, balanced, and fiscally responsible way in all areas including domestic, industrial and global.

“I believe in Andrew Scheer’s strong, positive vision for Canada. It’s time to put Canada back on track,” says Pewarchuk.

Conservative slogans include making life affordable for hard-working families, lowering taxes “so you can get ahead, not just get by”, and keeping corruption out of government.

The Pewarchuck campaign office is within Coastal Offices at 328 Wale Road, suite 162 in Colwood. www.essconservatives.com | Email: randallpewarchuk@conservative.ca | 778-977-4716

============= This article was first published on page 3 in the October 4 to 7, 2019 issue of West Shore Voice News

============= OTHER ARTICLES:

Candidate Profile: Randall Pewarchuk (October 10, 2019)

All Candidates Meeting in Otter Point addressed rural issues (September 30, 2019)

Pewarchuk says more fiscal responsibility needed (September 15, 2019)