Home News by Region Langford Public engagement about Porcher Park development in central Langford

Public engagement about Porcher Park development in central Langford

Visit the park on Sat April 13 (9 to 11 am) | Online survey to April 21, 2024

porcher park

Monday April 8, 2024 | LANGFORD, BC

by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends

A new park in Langford is growing from the ground up!

As part of the approved 2024 Capital Budget, the Parks Department will be renovating and expanding Porcher Park, located in Langford’s City Centre at 822 Wren Place.

porcher park, rendering
Conceptual sketch of Porcher Park prior to site development, April 2024. [City of Langford]

Porcher Park was dedicated to the City in 1971 as a wildlife refuge. Since then, a lot of urban development has occurred around it including multi-family housing.

old forest, porcher park, langford
Older trees already in place at Porcher Park in central Langford, seen here mid-March 2024. [Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]

By purchasing three neighbouring properties, the City is expanding the Park and making it more accessible to Langford residents.

Park features:

The City aims to preserve the mature tree stand but has removed most of the mid-size shrubbery — much of it considered invasive. An invasive species clearing event was held on March 16.

green team, volunteers
Volunteers help clear invasive species from Porcher Park on March 16, 2024. [Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]

There is now an opportunity to add new features to the Park. So far the ideas include a children’s play area, an open greenspace, and a food-growing community garden. Once constructed, the area could be used as a natural meeting place for city events as well as workshops around food-growing and natural environment initiatives.

porcher park, land, urban, community garden
A land area the size of two house lots is being prepared for community garden development at Porcher Park in central Langford. [Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]

Engagement event and online survey:

The City would like to hear from residents as to what new additions they would like to see at the newly expanded Porcher Park.

The survey is open online through Sunday April 21, 2024.

  • Public Input SessionPorcher Park Public Engagement Survey is currently at this stage
    • Porcher Park, 822 Wren Place
    • Saturday, April 13, 2024, 9-11 AM
    • City Parks staff will be available to answer questions
  • Anticipated Start of Construction – watch for another Porcher Park Public Engagement Survey about this phase
    • Summer 2024
  • Anticipated Completion – upcoming
    • Late Fall 2024
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Island Social Trends reports news with socioeconomic insights and analysis. Independent news service on south Vancouver Island, BC. Read free online or get the biweekly PDF by email.

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