Home Organizations & Associations West Shore Parks & Recreation Pool closed to year-end at West Shore Parks & Rec

Pool closed to year-end at West Shore Parks & Rec

Pool may reopen in January 2021, pending public health guidelines.

swimming pool, JDF Rec, Colwood
Swimming pool at the Juan de Fuca Rec Centre in Colwood, BC [WSPR photo].

Saturday September 19, 2020 | COLWOOD, BC

by Mary P Brooke, editor | Island Social Trends

It’s not unexpected that West Shore Parks & Recreation would decide to keep their swimming pool closed for the remainder of 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Earlier this year the pool was closed due to COVID-19 health and safety restrictions. Back on July 6 the WSPR board announced closure of the pool at their Juan de Fuca Rec Centre due to COVID-19 safety plan restrictions and associated costs (wanting to remain within their approved operating budget). They said that a reopening date was to be reevaluated in September.

“Our users may not know the amount of work needed to bring the pool back on line, including hiring and certifying amazing staff to facilitate programs and the use of the pool,” it was stated in a WSPR news release this week.

Westshore Parks & Recreation
Westshore Parks & Recreation closed March 16, 2020 due to COVID-19 and reopened in phases during spring and summer.

“This decision was not made lightly,” said Kyara Kahakauwila, board chair.

Metchosin Councillor Kyara Kahakauwila chairs the West Shore Parks & Recreation Board.

The board says they recognize the disappointment that continued closure of the pool brings to residents and users. “It is our hope that in the new year, we will once again be able to return the use of the pool to our community,” said Kahakauwila.

The tentative reopening of the pool in January 2021 is subject to change in accordance with the guidelines provided by the Provincial Health Services Authority, it was stated in the release this week.

Other programs continue this fall:

Other programs, services and facilities offered by West Shore Parks & Recreation do continue, including fitness classes, indoor cycling, yoga, Zumba, the weight room, and preschool programs. See the Fall 2020 Program Guide online.

West Shore Parks & Recreation, After School, Preschool
After school care and preschool programs at West Shore Parks & Recreation.

A shift in food services:

The cafe in the lobby at West Shore Parks & Rec has shifted their staff to preparing frozen meals for members of the community, with the help of grant funding.

About West Shore Parks & Recreation:

The West Shore Parks & Recreation collection of facilities is owned by five west shore municipalities: City of Langford, City of Colwood, Town of View Royal, District of Highlands, and District of Metchosin. The financial contribution by each municipality has been based on population size.

In recent years there has been awareness of Langford having its own swath of recreation facilities within its own municipal area, in addition to contributing to WSPR.

Situated in Colwood on Island Highway, the Juan de Fuca Rec Centre and other holdings of West Shore Parks and Recreation is central to the five municipal areas that it serves.

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