Home Organizations & Associations West Shore Parks & Recreation JDF pool & ice rink closed in COVID-summer 2020

JDF pool & ice rink closed in COVID-summer 2020

Pool costs too high during COVID-19 and arena floor heating system needs repair.

swimming pool, JDF Rec, Colwood
Swimming pool at the Juan de Fuca Rec Centre in Colwood, BC [WSPR photo].

Wednesday July 8, 2020 ~ COLWOOD, BC

by Mary Brooke, editor ~ West Shore Voice News

The year 2020 is proving to be additionally challenging for West Shore Parks & Recreation. Pool and arena are both impacted, leaving west shore residents without access to those facilities.

Pool closed for summer 2020:

The WSPR board announced on Monday July 6 that they are now closing their pool at the Juan de Fuca Rec Centre due to COVID-19 safety plan restrictions and associated costs (wanting to remain within their approved operating budget). The pool will remain closed for summer 2020 with a reopening date to be reevaluated in September.

Arena closed until Spring 2021:

As well, on Monday WSPR announced the need to proceed immediately with repairs to the Juan de Fuca area ice heating system underneath the arena floor, making ice time unavailable this summer but ensuring the rink will be ready for late 2020 or early spring 2021.

Westshore Parks & Recreation
Westshore Parks & Recreation: closing March 16, 2020 due to COVID-19. Check for updates.

According to WSPR, the heating system underneath the arena floor had been failing since 2012 — three out of six runs of thermal cable were in operable, and in March 2020 a fourth run failed.

Repairs were originally slated to start March 2021 (with grant funding received four months ago), so this repair work will now be done ahead of schedule.

“While this will affect the 2020/2021 ice season — which is already compromised due to budgetary and operating limitations surrounding COVID-19 — fixing the issue now will give user groups full use of the arena as of spring 2021,” it was stated in the WSPR release.

Pilgrim Coffee House, Colwood
Pilgrim Coffee House is open for take-out during COVID-19, and you can sit on the patio now too! Mon to Sat 9 am to 3 pm.

It’s quite likely that even if those two facilities had been open this summer, that revenues would have been seriously impacted due to the physical distancing restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic that continues in BC. So this seems an opportune time to do the repairs without having to work around patrons in the facility.

Impact on users is recognized:

“The new Board of Directors for West Shore Parks & Recreation Society recognize the significant impact this will have on our users of the arena, particularly those that need ice time,” said WSPRS Board Chair Kyara Kahakauwila.

It was only in February of this year that a new Indoor Sports Complex was opened at WSPR, use of which is now also limited due to the pandemic physical distancing requirement.

Q Centre, West Shore Parks and Recreation
The Q Centre is owned and operated by the West Shore Parks & Recreation Society [West Shore Voice News file photo June 2018]

Some things still running:

  • The Q Centre ice will be installed for rentals beginning Monday July 13.
  • The weight room is currently available for reserving time slots in advance.
  • A selection of fitness classes will be offered starting July 13.
  • All outdoor facilities are open (including golf, tennis and baseball diamonds).

List of spaces and services currently open.

New WSPRS Board of Directors in 2020:

For about two years, WSPRS operated with a board consisting of the Chief Administrative Officers (CAOs) of the five owner municipalities (i.e. Langford, Colwood, Metchosin, Highlands and View Royal).

West Shore Parks & Recreation, signage, 2020
West Shore Parks & Recreation has various facilities and services at its 1767 Island Highway location in Colwood. [Exterior signage file photo: February 2020 West Shore Voice News]

That setup had resulted in June 2018 after a much larger board consisting of elected officials and community volunteers was disbanded by the owners.

A new board is now in place, consisting of one elected councillor from each of the owner municipalities: Kyara Kahakauwila (Chair), District of Metchosin; Stewart Parkinson, City of Colwood; Roger Wade, City of Langford; Leslie Anderson, District of Highlands; and Damian Kowalewich, Town of View Royal.

The next regularly scheduled WSPRS Board of Directors’ meeting is scheduled for September 10, 2020 at 5:30 pm.

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