Home Business & Economy Sports Pacific FC vs Jamaican team in Langford August 2

Pacific FC vs Jamaican team in Langford August 2

Final score 6:0, a smooth-sailing win for Pacific FC on home turf!

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Pacific FC (Canada) vs Waterhouse FC (Jamaica) at Starlight Stadium in Langford, August 2, 2022.

Tuesday August 2, 2022 | LANGFORD, BC [Updated]

by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends

Updated: Pacific FC wins 6:0. | Game attendance 4,487 at Starlight Stadium.

pfc, august 2022
Final score 6:0, a win for Pacific FC over Waterhouse FC. on August 2, 2022 at Starlight Stadium in Langford, BC.

Tonight at Starlight Stadium in Langford a Concacaf international soccer game will kick off at 7pm, featuring a match between Pacific FC (Canada) vs Waterhouse FC (Jamaica).

The Langford-based Pacific FC team earned the Concacaf opportunity by winning the Canadian Premier League season trophy last year in December 2021.


Team captains for tonight’s game will be Jamar Dixon (PFC) and Ramone Howell (Waterhouse).

PFC head coach is James Merriman. Waterhouse head coach is Marcell Gayle.

At the stadium venue, local advertisers’ signage has been covered over, in order to feature international advertisers for the game that will be viewed by soccer fans globally.

Soccer games can be watched live online at OneSoccer.

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