Home Business & Economy Infrastructure New cooling system being added to The Q Centre

New cooling system being added to The Q Centre

The cooled facility could be used for community-level support in emergencies.

the q centre, colwood, wspr
The Q Centre facility in Colwood is owned by West Shore Parks and Recreation. [file]

Thursday July 27, 2023 | COLWOOD, BC [Updated July 29, 2023]

by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends

A new cooling system is being added to the Q Centre. It will bring both comfort and savings.

Today West Shore Parks & Recreation (WSPR) announced that they are about to begin a major upgrade to the cooling system at The Q Centre arena.

the q centre
The Q Centre arena and community facility on the grounds of West Shore Parks and Recreation on Island Highway in Colwood. [file]

Work will begin in the fall of 2023 and staff are hopeful the system will be operational for the start of the 2024 Western Lacrosse Association (WLA) season.

This upgrade will lower temperatures and improve the air quality and conditions spectators, players, and staff experience inside the arena during the summer months.

Installation phase:

No programs will be affected by the installation. The system will be tying into the refrigeration system. Beginning late fall duct lines, etc will be run and the final unit installation and tie in to refrigeration will occur once the ice comes out at the end of the hockey season, which prevents any interruption to the ice users.

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Grant Brown, CAO, West Shore Parks & Recreation, at the skatepark opening on May 13, 2023. [Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]

“The goal is to have it complete for the 2024 lacrosse season, however can’t be guaranteed as there is always the chance of material or manufacturing delays, says WSPR CAO Grant Brown.

Beat the heat:

As greater extremes in regional and global weather patterns continue, this upgrade could serve as a centralized location for programs seeking refuge during extreme heat events.

Brown says that summer programs like camps will benefit from the cool indoor environment.

“The addition of a cooling system at the Q Centre is a game-changer for us and all summer users of the building,” says Chris Welch, Victoria Shamrocks GM & Governor.

“It will help to beat the heat, making it much more comfortable and enjoyable for everyone and safer for players. We were very pleased to work with West Shore Parks and Recreation Society management in this important initiative and really appreciate them moving forward with us on it,” says Welch.

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Creative funding:

This project is funded by a reallocation of approved capital expenditure from projects that came in under budget.

Clever use of the existing refrigeration system has made the integration of the new cooling system able to handle the heat loads throughout the year.

“There aren’t any grant funds going towards this project,” says WSPR CAO Grant Brown.

“Its funding is a result of our large pool/fitness centre roof replacement project coming under budget; therefore we reallocated approved funding towards this project. The roof project was funds from our capital project reserve which receives annual contributions through the Society’s budget,” said Grant. Some of these details were also outlined at the WSPR AGM in June.

ron dietrich, west shore parks and recreation
West Shore Parks and Recreation Manager Ron Dietrich [March 25, 2023 file photo / Island Social Trends]

Maximizing the potential of this upgrade:

Exploration and evaluation of the system is underway to maximize the potential of this upgrade.

“We are well-equipped with both experienced ticketed staff and well-maintained equipment to seamlessly facilitate the integration of the new system,” says Ron Dietrich, Manager of Operations.

“Over the past three decades, we have been committed to energy conservation, consistently exploring innovative methods for heating and cooling that prioritize cost-effectiveness. By adopting these energy-efficient practices, we aim to create a more comfortable environment for our valued patrons and offer relief to our dedicated staff working throughout the complex, particularly those manning the concession grill,” says Dietrich.

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Industry leader:

“This change aligns with our strategic plan, as it enhances our relationships with users, promotes sustainability, and solidifies our position as industry leaders in service and delivery,” says the WSPR operations manager.

More examples of projects and improvements to the facility and our efforts to make WSPR more sustainable can be seen on here www.wspr.ca/facilities/sustainability .

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Island Social Trends has been covering news of the west shore region of Greater Victoria since 2008, with a closer focus on Langford and the Sooke School District (SD62) since 2014.

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Island Social Trends Editor Mary P Brooke,

Island Social Trends is the fourth publication in a series about lifestyle, community growth and trends on the west shore, created by Mary P Brooke, editor and publisher.

First there was the quarterly colour glossy MapleLine Magazine (2008-2010), which morphed into a daily newspaper Sooke Voice News (2011-2013), which later became West Shore Voice News (2014-2020).

Island Social Trends emerged fully online at IslandSocialTrends.ca during the pandemic in 2020 with a now broadened reach to cover Greater Victoria, South Vancouver Island, BC, and national news.