Home Government 44th Parliament of Canada NDP strides: climate crisis goals & jobs, Indigenous inclusion, hybrid parliament

NDP strides: climate crisis goals & jobs, Indigenous inclusion, hybrid parliament

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Wednesday October 27, 2021 | NATIONAL

by Mary P Brooke, Editor | Island Social Trends

How the Trudeau Liberal government performs on addressing the climate crisis and how they move forward on Indigenous relations will “inform our relationship going forward”, said NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh today regarding to what degree his party will work supportively with the government.

“We respect a government chosen by Canadians,” said Singh in a media session from Ottawa this morning, pinning that to a comment that the NDP will “work together on the things that we agree on”.

“They shouldn’t take our support on any vote for granted,” Singh told media today.

jagmeet singh, construction workers
NDP Leader meeting with construction workers. [NDP]

Climate crisis:

Singh says the NDP is asking the government for three things around fighting the climate crisis at this time – reduce emissions, end fossil fuel subsidies & launch jobs plan:

  • Bolder ambitions on the part of Canada to lowering GHG emissions, including raising Canada’s commitment (presently in the range of 40 to 45%) to line up with the USA and other countries (aiming for 50%).
  • End fossil fuel subsidies and invest in sustainable renewable energy.
  • Develop a clear plan to creating jobs within the climate change fight.

Indigenous issues:

Regarding the Indigenous file, Singh says the Catholic Church should of course apologize to Indigenous peoples in Canada, but that’s not enough: The church is responsible and should compensate,” Jagmeet Singh said today.

He reiterated that the Liberal government “should stop fighting Indigenous kids in court”, as he had mentioned throughout the election campaign in August and September, citing this Friday October 29 as a cut off point for the current stage in the legal process. He clarified that the legal fight is around compensation for the children of residential school survivors. Trudeau has repeatedly said in the past year that the discussion is around a different level of payment for those who are differentially impacted.

Encouraging engagement in the process:

Singh said today that he is in favour of continuing to use a hybrid process (i.e. in person and via remote technologies) to support the participation of elected officials in the House of Commons.

He says that a sustained hybrid would help encourage young people, young families and women to consider a commitment to public life.

Public health in the House of Commons:

Today Singh said that the health of all people who work in or visit the House of Commons deserve to know that everyone in the building is fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

He says the Conservatives who are holding back on disclosing their vaccination status (or declining to be fully vaccinated) are showing themselves as being “not connected to what people are going through”, and that with that mindset they would “rather risk (COVID) exposure to them (people in the House of Commons)” than take responsibility to get vaccinatd.

NDP Swearing-In Ceremony:

The NDP Caucus will be sworn in as Members of Parliament on Thursday October 28.

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