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Movement happening at Esquimalt Parks & Rec

Esquimalt Parks & Recreation is presently offering a client satisfaction survey..

archie browning centre, esquimalt
The Archie Browning Sports Centre in Esquimalt.

Wednesday June 16, 2021 | ESQUIMALT, BC

by Jalen C Codrington, Desk Editor & Mary P Brooke, Editor | Island Social Trends

Adapting to COVID public health regulations is just what people do in BC, and recreation centres are part of that mix.

Currently, most gyms in BC are operating at a reduced capacity to help limit the spread of COVID-19. With dropping case numbers, restrictions are expected to ease. Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry has stated that gyms have done a good job at mitigating transmission risks, and are not responsible for most outbreaks.

In Step 2 (which started yesterday), indoor fitness activities can resume with more people but still within stated guidelines: Indoor high and low intensity group exercise is allowed with reduced capacity.

Esquimalt Parks & Recreation:

As part of Esquimalt Parks & Recreation, the Archie Browning Sports Centre is also open, but programs are operating at reduced capacity. High intensity indoor recreation such as spin class, hot yoga, aerobics, combat sports, dance classes, and HIIT, are still prohibited under PHO guidelines.

As of yesterday, outdoor games and practices for both adults and youth group/team sports are allowed: Indoor and outdoor games and practices for both adults and youth group/team sports allowed. | Now spectators are allowed outdoors only (within guidelines): Outdoor spectators up to 50 allowed, no spectators at any indoor sport activities

The Esquimalt Rec Centre aquatics facility has reopened with a modified schedule of 5:30 am to 7:00 pm, by advanced reservation only. The hot tub, sauna, and steam room will remain closed at this time.

The weight room is accepting just 20 participants at a time, and time slots must be booked in advance. Physical distancing and sanitation measures are in place. Participants can pay through a single drop-in, or purchase a punch pass of 10 or 25 visits.

Summer camps will be modified to operate primarily outdoors, and will not include any skating or swimming activities. All bus trips have been replaced with activities within walking distance.

Satisfaction survey:

Esquimalt Parks & Recreation is presently offering a client satisfaction survey.

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