Home Election Tracker BC Municipal 2018 Mike Hicks running for a 4th term

Mike Hicks running for a 4th term

mike hicks, juan de fuca

Friday, October 5 ~ JUAN DE FUCA. Juan de Fuca Regional Director Mike Hicks is running for a fourth term. He has served three terms (2008-2011, 2011-2014, and 2014-2018) and his brochure lists numerous accomplishments.

Starting off with ‘proven, full-time’ Hicks itemizes his “positive changes and accomplishments” by locale, and there are lots of them! The vast region within the CRD includes Port Renfrew, Jordan River, Shirley, Otter Point, East Sooke, Willis Point, Malahat, Parks and Recreation (with Sooke, through SEAPARC) and Juan de Fuca (overall).

During his short speech to the audience at the Juan de Fuca All Candidates meeting in Otter Point on September 30, Hicks highlighted the purchase of the lands from Sandcut Beach to Jordan River, building the Juan de Fuca Services Building, being part of the artificial turf field installation in Sooke, being part of the golf course purchase by SEAPARC (shared Sooke and Juan de Fuca), and building up a portion of William Simmons Park in Otter Point.

Hicks was also a catalyst toward success of the Sooke library land deal between the District of Sooke and the Vancouver Island Regional Library board.

Hicks also highlighted his continued support of the Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society in their pursuit of lighthouse ownership and development of the CRD-park that surrounds the property.

In typical Hicks style, he came right to the point: “Land use issues have always been at the root of our residents’ discontent”. He was pleased to report that JdF has an elected Land Use Committee rep from each community (Kemp Lake, Shirley, Otter Point) and that each community now has its own Official Community Plan.

Mike Hicks says his priorities for the next four years include installing Wi-Fi hotspots and cell service throughout Port Renfrew and completing the Kemp Lake Water system (and lobbying for lower rate from CRD). He hopes to still be around as JdF Director for when construction of the Sooke Library is completed and during construction of the SEAPARC fitness center expansion.

While these are under provincial jurisdiction, Hicks hopes to soon see widening and paving of Otter Point Road (as already announced by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure) and will lobby for a Highway 14 bypass of Gillespie Road.

He says that people getting out to vote on Saturday October 20 “will determine our direction for the next four years”.