Home Election Tracker BC Municipal 2018 ‘Rob Martin for mayor’ meets with Colwood residents

‘Rob Martin for mayor’ meets with Colwood residents

rob martin, mayor, colwood
Rob Martin is running for mayor of Colwood.

October 5, 2018 ~ COLWOOD.

Colwood mayoral candidate Rob Martin has had several ‘meet Rob in the park’ casual events. It’s a way for residents of Colwood to just drop by and meet the two-term Colwood councillor who is now running to be mayor for 2018-2022.

rob martin, colwood, mayor
Colwood mayoral candidate Rob Martin at the Colwood Corners construction site, October 4, 2018 [West Shore Voice News photo]
Martin was recently re-elected as chair of the Greater Victoria Public Library board. As a two-term Colwood councillor, on October 4 he attended the commemorative plaque event for the start of construction at Colwood Corners.

On the Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend — that’s October 6 — Martin will be serving warm apple cider at Colwood Creek Park on Brittany Drive, from 10 am to 1 pm.  www.martinformayor.ca

Advance Voting is available on Wednesday October 10 and Wednesday October 17 at Colwood Municipal Hall, 3300 Wishart, from 8 am to 8 pm. General voting day is Saturday October 20.