Saturday March 21, 2020 ~ BC
by Mary Brooke~ West Shore Voice News
Today in their joint news conference about COVID-19, BC Health Minister Adrian Dix and Provincial Health Officer (PHO) Dr Bonnie Henry once again reminded everyone to do their part in the fight against community spread of the new coronavirus.
And right off the top — by order of the PHO, now it’s time for personal-contact businesses and services to close. That includes spas, hair salons and tattoo services.
People are asked to do social distancing (stay 1 to 2 metres apart), wash their hands frequently, stay home if they’re sick, and at this point in the development of the pandemic in BC to simply stay out of the community as much as possible.

Going shopping for groceries or to pick up medications at the pharmacy are understandably necessary. Otherwise, it’s time to remain at home away from others, said Dr Henry today.
Today it was announced that there are 74 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in BC, bringing the provincial total to 424. Of that total, 37 are on Vancouver Island. The province-wide breakdown is: 230 in Vancouver Coastal Health, 126 in Fraser Health, 37 on Vancouver Island, 27 in Interior Health and four in Northern Health.
Since yesterday, five new cases have been admitted to hospital, for a total of 27 hospitalizations. Of those, 12 are in ICU and six have recovered.
There is now a tally of 10 deaths in BC due to COVID-19. Since yesterday there has been one more death due to this new viral infection — a senior at the Lynn Valley Care Home in North Vancouver.
“Social distancing — physically — from people helps us not transmit this infection between us. It’s incredibly important right now for everybody,” said Dr Henry.
Some preliminary information is now available about age group representation for infections. “More are in the older age group,” said Dr Henry. “There are very few ages 10 to 19 and nobody under age 10,” she said. The cluster of infections in the 30 to 40 year-old age group reflects health care workers, she added.

About 20 of the confirmed cases are associated with an international dental conference here in BC a few weeks ago that was attended by about 15,000 dental professionals.
Minister Dix says he’s pleased that the federal government has — as of last night at midnight — closed the border to visitors and non-essential travelers from the United States. The high rate of COVID-19 infection in Washington State (right next to BC) has added to the COVID-19 exposure in BC due to unnecessary visits. Long haul truck drivers who bring essential goods to BC from the US (for grocery stores and other essential services) are exempt from the ban.
Media today (as on previous days, but it seems to be ramping up) asked the Minister and PHO why measures aren’t been delivered in a strong manner, including possibly considering a full lockdown.
Overall, the rollout of orders about social distancing and self-isolating (as well as which sectors of the economy should close or size of events cancelled) has not been with a verbal heavy hand. But sometimes just the words spoken gently are not enough to get the attention of those who are still obviously not paying attention — the ones who are still gathering in small groups and not socially isolating at home if they’re sick.