Home Traffic Malahat closed for 40 minutes after alcohol-impaired driver rollover

Malahat closed for 40 minutes after alcohol-impaired driver rollover

No injuries to driver or others

Malahat, Highway 1, MVI
Malahat traffic at a standstill on Friday December 27, 2019 following a single vehicle rollover [Photo source: Web/Twitter - Erica Holmes]

Friday December 27, 2019 ~ LANGFORD

~ West Shore Voice News

Around 11 am this morning Friday December 27, a single vehicle rollover occurred on the Malahat in the southbound lane, just south of Goldstream Park.

Langford Fire Rescue responded at 11:09 am and was on scene within minutes, and West Shore RCMP responded around 11:30 am.

City of Langford Engineering reported the motor vehicle incident on the TCH as south of Finalyson Arm Road, north of West Shore Parkway and kept media apprised of traffic flow restrictions. Northbound traffic continued to flow, while southbound traffic was stopped. By 12:15 pm TCH was reopened, reported Michelle Mahovlich, Director of Engineering, City of Langford. Single lane alternating is enabled in such situations if it takes longer than 30 minutes for the road to be fully open.

West Shore RCMP say that both north and southbound lanes were shut down for approximately 40 minutes while emergency crews attended the scene and the vehicle was cleared from the shoulder.

“Frontline officers located a 2014 Jeep Wrangler that had gone off road at this location, hitting the rock wall and rolling onto the driver’s side,” says Cst Nancy Saggar, Media Relations Officer, West Shore RCMP.

“The driver was the only occupant of the vehicle and was unharmed in this collision. An impaired driving investigation ensued as the driver was suspected to be under the influence of alcohol at the time of the collision. As a result the driver was issued and immediate roadside prohibition from driving and their vehicle was towed,” said Cst Saggar.

BC Ambulance attended. No other vehicles were involved in the crash and no other persons were injured.