Home Sections Seniors LETTER: Seniors suddenly losing Guaranteed Income Supplement if they took CERB

LETTER: Seniors suddenly losing Guaranteed Income Supplement if they took CERB

"I have been put into a position of complete economic insecurity" says a senior in BC.

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Some seniors who collected CERB are now losing their Guaranteed Income Supplement.

Saturday August 7, 2021 | VANCOUVER ISLAND, BC


I would include my voice among the seniors affected by the CRA’s Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) clawbacks for receiving previous CERB benefits.

I have been very negatively impacted by what amounts to a 30% decrease in my 2021 pension payment as a result of my qualification for CERB/CRB benefits during 2020. There has been no information available in regard to this point and now I have been arbitrarily penalized the GIS benefits I was guaranteed by CRA in my OAS application of 2020. 

alistair macgregor

I have been put into a position of complete economic insecurity and I will suffer consequences of some kind. My worst fear is finding myself homeless at 66 years of age after working 50 years in and for the country of Canada.

I paid my rent, auto insurance, and telecommunications bill this month and was left with $208 for food, medications and any other need I may incur…for the month. While a food bank may alleviate some days of hunger it cannot meet the need for a month. This is as far as I have gotten on this road of poverty the federal government has put me and thousands of other senior citizens on. It feels like a downward spiral from here.

I hope there is help on the way. ~ Dale Giauque, Shirley, BC

Letters to the editor may be submitted to letters@islandsocialtrends.com

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===== RELATED:

Seniors who took CERB now losing GIS supplement & other benefits (August 4, 2021)

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