Home Events Langford Lightup coming up December 1

Langford Lightup coming up December 1

city of langford, christmas lightup

Wednesday, November 28 ~ LANGFORD.

The 12th Annual City of Langford Christmas Lightup is coming up this Saturday, December 1. Held each year at Veterans Memorial Park (Veterans Memorial Pkwy at Goldstream Ave), the park already has strings of white lights around the tree trunks, but at 7:30 pm during the lightup, a tall tree gets ‘set ablaze’ with sparkling Christmas lights.

The event includes free hot dogs, coffee & hot chocolate served by the Langford firefighters. There are craft activities for the kids.

People start filling up the park when the outdoor market there opens at 6 pm under the night sky (sunset at this time of year is around 4:30 pm). At 6:15 pm Santa arrives.

Then at 7:25 pm, there are holiday greetings and at 7:30 pm the lightup countdown!

Around 8 pm the Island Equipment Owners Truck Light Convoy & Food Drive passes by. Everyone is encouraged to bring a non-perishable food donation, and these will be picked up along the route.

“The light up it’s a great tradition for Langford families to come together for the start of the holiday season,” says Langford Mayor Stew Young.

Langford Councillor Matt Sahlstrom will lead the countdown to 7:30 pm and thank the residents for support they give to others throughout the years.

The City of Langford offers best wishes for a healthy happy holidays to all during the year-end Christmas season. www.langford.ca

This year, ahead of the city lightup, local MP for the area Alistair MacGregor (Cowichan-Malahat-Langford) will host a holiday season open house from 4 to 6 pm at Our Lady of the Rosary Church, 798 Goldstream Ave, Langford. It’s a free drop-in. Donations for the local food bank are welcomed.