Home Election Tracker BC Municipal 2018 Langford: All Candidates Forum now October 9

Langford: All Candidates Forum now October 9

langford, council, stew young, bylaws, all candidates
Langford Council at their September 24, 2018 Special Council Meeting [West Shore Voice News photo]

Langford All Candidates Forum now October 9

by Mary P Brooke – West Shore Voice News

Thursday, September 27 ~ LANGFORD. 

The All Candidates Forum for Langford Mayor and Council candidates has been rescheduled for Tuesday, October 9 (previously scheduled for October 4). [This article on its own page.]

The event will be held at the Langford Legion, 761 Station Avenue, from 5:45-9:00 pm. Hosted by the Westshore Chamber of Commerce. Open to the public. www.westshore.bc.ca

Stew Young is the incumbent for mayor. He has held the position through multiple terms, for over 25 years, overseeing tremendous growth and change that has produced a robust local economy. The city’s population is now over 40,000 and growing.

Langford resident Robert Fraser is also standing for mayor. Overall he is looking for less housing densification and more open greenspace.

There are eight candidates running for six Council seats (I = incumbent): Denise Blackwell (I), Wendy Hobbs, Rick Johal, Matt Sahlstrom (I), Lanny Seaton (I), Norma Stewart, Lillian Szpak (I), and Roger Wade (I).

Photo: Langford council hard at work, even during election season (September 24 special council meeting).