Home Sections Earthquakes January 8: earthquake west of Port Hardy

January 8: earthquake west of Port Hardy

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Earthquake 206 km west of Port Hardy on Jan 8, 2024. [Natural Resources Canada]

Monday January 8, 2024 | VICTORIA, BC

by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends

An earthquake at a depth of 5 km and at 4.7 Magnitude was recorded as happening at 5:41 pm Pacific Standard Time (PST) this evening, Monday January 8, 2024.

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According to Natural Resources Canada (NRC) the quake’s approximate location was longitude 130.15 West and latitude 50.82 North — out in the ocean to the west of Vancouver Island about 206 km west of Port Hardy.

The quake was not felt and no tsunami was expected, says NRC.

Details from the NRC website:

Local Time:17:41:26 PST
Magnitude:4.7 ML
Latitude:50.82 North
Longitude:130.15 West
Depth:5 km
UT Date
and Time:
01:41:26 UT

Did you feel it?

If you felt the January 8, 2024 quake, your input can be made online by filling out a report on the NRC earthquake page.

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Second quake this month:

There are quakes all the time, but this one follows two that occurred in December 2023 which people have felt. It’s yet another reminder to be prepared.

About Magnitude:

The magnitude scale is logarithmic.

At the same distance, an earthquake of magnitude 6 produces vibrations with amplitudes 10 times greater than those from a magnitude 5 earthquake and 100 times greater than those from a magnitude 4 earthquake. 

Shifting from social media:

As of January 13, 2024, the Earthquakes Canada account on X (Twitter) by Natural Resources Canada will no longer be updated.

For earthquake updates people can visit the Natural Resources Canada Earthquakes website, or rely on regular news media and your local emergency response services.

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===== RELATED:

Sunday afternoon earthquake on December 17 (December 17, 2023)

Earthquake in BC Interior, a reminder to be prepared (December 4, 2023)

Thanksgiving Sunday evening: earthquake close to home (October 8, 2023)

Sunday morning earthquake on Vancouver Island (March 12, 2023)