Saturday October 7, 2023 | LANGFORD, BC
by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends
This was the last day of the 2023 season for the Goldstream Farmers Market in central Langford.
On this Thanksgiving long weekend with amazing summer-like weather that might entice people to a range of outdoor activities, the turnout was less than vendors had hoped for today.
The vendors with booths set up in the Veterans Memorial Park (located at Veterans Memorial Parkway and Goldstream Avenue) — offering fresh produce and other food products, crafts, jewelry and other items — seemed to appreciate the unusually warm weather for October.

Provincial nutrition coupons can be used at farmers markets in BC. Local farmers with locally-grown food for sale today included Lohbrunner Community Farm (of Langford), Littler Farms (of Metchosin), Kilipi Road Farm, The Glade Farm, and Oloron Market Garden.

The B-Gluten Free Victoria bakery had a booth, as did Sandra’s Knits, Crafty Grams, and Island Jerky Victoria.
Langford information booth:
An information booth by the City of Langford was a pop-up opportunity for city councillors to chat with members of the public about the city’s draft strategic plan (2023-2027).

Councillor Kimberely Guiry said it was a way to connect with people who might not otherwise engage directly with the city. Also there and chatting with local folks were Councillors Colby Harder, Mark Morley and Lillian Szpak. Copies of the draft plan were on hand for reference, and many conversations ensued.
See more about the Draft Strategtic Plan and how to provide input | Direct link to City of Langford Draft Strategic Plan (2023-2027)

Post-COVID year for the market:
Goldstream Farmers Market coordinator Jacqui was pleased with the turnout today and overall the full season — especially as the worries about the pandemic are largely behind everyone now, given that the venue is outdoors.
The market organization pays for parking across the street and for live music performers. To help cover those costs, vendors pay an annual membership, and a booth fee for the season or by the day. The City of Langford also provides the space at Veterans Memorial Park and some funding for operations.

The market will be back in action in May 2024 for next year’s season.
Island Social Trends reports on ‘stuff that matters’ to you in your daily life, your household, your business and your community. News is posted daily at IslandSocialTrends.ca .
News is reported through a socioeconomic lens, including where any political or government impacts are relevant.
Island Social Trends Editor Mary P Brooke has a B.Sc. in foods and nutrition. She is interested in the health aspects of good food in today’s modern society, and gives talks on urban food resilience. See the Island Social Trends Food Security news section.
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