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Fairy Creek protester gets 48 more days jail time

Green Party Leader Elizabeth May attended sentencing of 'Rainbow Eyes' in Nanaimo today.

elizabeth may, angela davidson, rainbow eyes
Green Party Leader Elizabeth May with Deputy Leader Angela Davidson (aka Rainbow Eyes) on the 2nd National Truth& Reconciliation Day on Sept 30, 2022. [web]

Wednesday April 24, 2024 | NANAIMO, BC [Updated 2:13 pm]

by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends

Today Green Party Leader Elizabeth May was at a courthouse in Nanaimo for the sentencing of Rainbow Eyes.

Angela Davidson, also known as Rainbow Eyes, is a deputy leader of the Green Party. She was convicted of seven counts of criminal contempt for her part in the logging blockades. Davidson would get 12 days credit for jail time served before her trial and either pay a $2,250 fine or complete 75 hours of community service, the Crown said on April 4, 2024.

urban food resilience initiatives society, logo

Today Davidson was sentenced to 60 days (less 12 days for time served) for a remaining 48 days. There is now a bail hearing today (in Vancouver, via Zoom) and she may appeal.

She is inspiring, says May:

“She is truly inspiring,” said Green Party Leader Elizabeth May in a telephone interview with Island Social Trends this afternoon. “I have the honour of working with her on a regular basis,” said the party leader about her deputy leader.

“A lot of supporters from southern Vancouver Island were very committed to protecting the ancient forests and were very upset by the logging that took place there,” said May today.

elizabeth may, March 2022
Green Party’s Elizabeth May to Ukraine President Zelenskyy (in 2022): “You are a champion of democracy.”

“There were more arrests there in non-violence and civil disobedience than any other occasion in Canada in all of our history,” said May. “Right now we’re very concerned for her and really supportive and proud to be associated with her,” said May while sitting in the Nanaimo airport for her return to Ottawa.

“We are honoured that she has chosen the Green Party of Canada as the place where she puts her effort and her good name,” said May about Rainbow Eyes. As a former lawyer, May explained: “It’s very hard. The notion of criminal contempt makes people think, perhaps, she did something. But criminal contempt of court is basically violating an injunction. There’s no criminal offence.”

Earlier this afternoon, May posted to her 312,000+ followers on X: “Rainbow Eyes sentenced to 48 days incarceration and 75 hours community service. @CanadianGreens Indigenous land defender gets jail. Politicians who break promise to protect our old growth, who violate #UNDRIP face no sanctions.”


Referring to Rainbow Eyes, Green Party Leader Elizabeth May said earlier this month that “her dedication to defending the natural world aligns perfectly with the values of the Green Party and we look forward to working together to advance our shared goals”.

Fairy Creek, protest
Protesters in their efforts to protect old growth forests, at Fairy Creek, June 2021.

Davidson’s conviction was for protest activity in 2021 and 2022. Justice Christopher Hinkson ruled in January that she breached injunction and bail orders in 2021 on May 18, June 23, June 25, August 10 and November 28, and also in 2022 on January 15 and January 28.

Both sentencing positions were put forward April 4 during a hearing in BC Supreme Court in Nanaimo.

Protests intended to help protect old growth forests began in 2020 against logging in the Fairy Creek watershed northeast of Port Renfrew, when logging permits were granted to Teal Cedar Products.