Home Election Tracker Canadian Federal 2019 Esquimalt-Saanich-Sooke all candidates September 18 at Pearson College

Esquimalt-Saanich-Sooke all candidates September 18 at Pearson College

Debate and discussion among the four major party candidates

Randall Garrison incumbent, Jamie Hammond, David Merner, Randall Pewarchuk
Candidates of the four major parties running for the seat in Esquimalt-Saanich-Sooke in the October 21, 2019 election.

Friday September 6, 2019 ~ METCHOSIN

~ West Shore Voice News

All residents of the Esquimalt-Saanich-Sooke federal riding are invited by Pearson College United World College (UWC) to an all-candidates forum on their campus in Metchosin on Wednesday September 18. Doors open at 7:00 pm, debate begins at 7:30 pm.

“We invite everyone in the constituency – from Jordan River to Quadra Village – to join us on campus for this excellent opportunity to learn more about the candidates and their party platforms,” said President and Head of Pearson College Désirée McGraw.

Pearson College, map
Location of Pearson College in Metchosin

Pearson students from across Canada and around the world will take part in this community event to learn more about politics and elections, Canadian-style.

The Canadian federal election is set for Monday October 21.

candidates Esquimalt-Saanich-Sooke
Candidates of the four major parties running for the seat in Esquimalt-Saanich-Sooke in the October 21, 2019 election. [West Shore Voice News]

On the Pearson College campus, the event will be held in the Max Bell Centre at 650 Pearson College Dr.

Candidates who have been invited to speak are incumbent Randall Garrison (New Democratic Party of Canada), Jamie Hammond (Liberal Party of Canada), David Merner (Green Party of Canada), and Randall Pewarchuk (Conservative Party of Canada).

Major issues during the federal election campaign are generally thought to be climate change and green tech, jobs and the economy, and overall affordability.

This event will likely follow the long-established format of introductions, debate, and discussion, including the taking of questions from the audience.


See the West Shore Voice News EVENTS & MEETINGS page for campaign activities.

Search this site for articles about the various candidates.