Home Health COVID-19 Dr Bonnie Henry to speak at Royal Roads July 13

Dr Bonnie Henry to speak at Royal Roads July 13

dr bonnie henry
BC Provincial Health Officer Dr Bonnie Henry will speak live online as part of the Royal Roads University Changemaker Series, on July 13, 2021. [RRU]

Sunday July 11, 2021 | COLWOOD, BC

by Mary P Brooke, Editor | Island Social Trends

Royal Roads University (RRU) has chosen a high-profile British Columbian for their next online Changemaker Speaker presentation.

The next RRU Changemakers Speakers Series virtual event on Tuesday, July 13 at 7 pm PDT features guest speaker Dr. Bonnie Henry Provincial Health Officer of British Columbia, who is an RRU Honourary Degree recipient. She has titled her talk “Pandemic Perseverance”.

The free online event — open to the public — will be hosted by RRU President Philip Steenkamp.

The event will stream live on the RRU Facebook page and on YouTube. Dr. Henry will give a presentation, engage in conversation with President Steenkamp, and then take some audience questions from Facebook.


Thrust into the spotlight at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Henry’s daily briefings connected her to people in BC and around the world. Her mantra of “be kind, be calm and be safe” serves as a constant reminder that we’re all in this global crisis together. Dr. Henry’s leadership and support continue to inspire British Columbians to persevere as we plan for a new way of life at the end of the pandemic.

She has become a household name throughout BC, and across Canada, for her calm methodical and innovative approach to handling the COVID-19 pandemic that started ramping up in January 2020 and was officially declared in BC on March 17, 2020. There have since between three waves of the COVID-19 infection in BC (and across Canada); even now with immunization there is the possibility of a fourth wave in the fall-winter of 2021-2022, as part of the annual respiratory season.

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About Royal Roads:

The Changemakers Speakers Series at Royal Roads explores the complex challenges facing humanity and innovative ideas about how we might solve them. These ideas are even more relevant as we consider living with, and looking beyond, COVID-19. These talks are for students, professionals, alumni and concerned citizens.

Located in Colwood, BC (within the south Vancouver Island area), the Royal Roads University calls themselves “a different kind of school, for a different kind of world”. For the most-part their programs are for people who already hold degrees, but they are looking at adding undergraduate studies to their curriculum. Each faculty contains several schools and each school offers a number of programs.

Sooke Fine Arts Show, 2021
The 2021 Sooke Fine Arts Show runs July 23 through August 2 online.