Home News by Region Sooke District of Sooke seeks resident input on Budget 2024

District of Sooke seeks resident input on Budget 2024

"Resident input is the foundation of the District’s budget process."

budget 2024, district of sooke

Saturday July 8, 2023 | SOOKE, BC [Updated August 21, 2023]

by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends

Aug 21: The District of Sooke reports that about 1,000 people engaged in this year’s Annual Budget Survey + Community Pop-Ups to inform the District’s 2024 budget! “Thank you for the great conversations over the last 2-months! Your input lays the foundation for budget development in Sooke”, said the municipality in social media.

Unlike many other municipalities, the District of Sooke starts their budget process well ahead of the year in its title.

Engagement about Budget 2024 has already begun in this summer of 2023.

Here is the link to the Let’s Talk Sooke 2024 District of Sooke Budget Survey.

district of sooke, budget process
District of Sooke Budget Process [File provided June 2023]

“You’re invited to participate in the 2024 Budget Survey!,” said the District of Sooke last week in their survey-launch news release on June 21. Residents can participate in the annual survey online at letstalk.sooke.ca/budget until Sunday August 20, 2023.

This year’s survey is available in two forms:

Foundational input:

Resident input is the foundation of the District’s budget process. The survey period has been extended and the format adjusted to help ensure the survey is as accessible to as many in the community as possible.

“We’re listening and want to hear from you. Resident input informs our budget process through both the budget survey and the master plans that residents are integral in developing,” says Raechel Gray, Interim CAO and Director of Finance. “Your voice matters,” adds Gray.

jeff bateman, al beddows, sooke
District of Sooke Councillors Jeff Bateman (left) and Al Beddows, at the Hannah Day sign unveiling, March 31, 2023. [Island Social Trends]

Council members in the community:

In addition to the survey, staff and Council members will be attending local markets and conducting community pop-ups at local parks to engage in the budget conversation which invites residents to share their ideas on resource allocation and service levels.

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“We want to hear about your quality of life in Sooke and what we can do to make it better,” says Mayor Maja Tait. “Stop by, say hello and let’s talk.”

District of Sooke Councillors are: Jeff Bateman, Al Beddows, Dana Lajeunesse, Megan McMath, Kevin Pearson, and Tony St-Pierre. This is one of the most steady council profiles, all of them having been incumbents or previously elected when the 2022 municipal election took place.

Survey also by phone or on paper:

Those without computer access or a preference to participate in the survey by phone or using a print copy can do so by calling 250.642.1634.

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