Home Health COVID-19 District of Sooke activates COVID-19 Emergency Operations Centre

District of Sooke activates COVID-19 Emergency Operations Centre

To address any potential disruptions to District services & ensure quick response to changing circumstances

Sooke Fire Rescue

Friday March 13, 2020 ~ SOOKE

by Mary Brooke ~ West Shore Voice News

Today March 13, the District of Sooke announced it has activated a Level 1 EOC (Emergency Operations Centre), with Sooke Fire Rescue Deputy Chief/Emergency Program Coordinator Matt Barney as EOC Director.

The EOC effectively went into operation yesterday March 12.

“The District of Sooke Fire Department and Emergency Program personnel continue to engage in discussions with, and monitor information provided by, Federal and  Provincial agencies regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19),” it was stated in a release issued by Sooke Corporate Officer Carolyn Mushata.

Matt Barney, Sooke Fire Dept
Matt Barney, Deputy Chief/Emergency Program Coordinator District of Sooke Fire Rescue [file photo from January 2020 budget open house ] – West Shore Voice News

The District says that all communications around the situation will be coordinated through the EOC, in consultation with other District staff and external agencies.

“The EOC will operate during regular District hours and allows for centralized planning and response, as well as collaborative and consistent communications. Staff are working to foresee and address any potential disruptions to District services to ensure a quick response to changing circumstances,” says Mushata.

The Sooke release includes a reminder that the District of Sooke is not the lead agency on the COVID-19 situation. “The EOC will take cues and act on information and directives from the Province and the island Health Office.”

Sooke residents are being asked to proactively help mitigate the spread and impact of the illness through advanced personal hygiene practices and regularly reviewing updates and information shared on the following Federal and Provincial sites:

Government of Canada – Outbreak Update: www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/2019-novel-coronavirus-infection.html

Government of BC – Pandemic Preparedness: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/health/about-bc-s-health-care-system/office-of-the-provincial-health-officer/current-health-topics/pandemic-influenza

BC Centre for Disease Control: www.bccdc.ca/about/news-stories/stories/2020/information-on-novel-coronavirus

  • wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds;
  • avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands;
  • avoid close contact with people who are sick;
  • cough or sneeze into your sleeve and not your hands (or into a tissue and immediately dispose of the tissue); and
  • stay home if you are sick to avoid spreading illness to others

Further details on ‘Prevention and Risks’ can be found here:

Government of Canada: www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/2019-novel-coronavirus-infection/prevention-risks.html

Sooke says the public health risk to the local community is continually being monitored and reassessed as new information becomes available.